South East Schertz TX.
8:20-24 am.
Almost a foot maybe of snow?
Country shots
They say it hasn't snowed this much in SA since 1985.
Just sharing more winter photos :camera:
TFL :icon_thumright:
Nor’easter has arrived in central Texas! Sleet and wind is pretty much all there is for now. They say there may be a small chance of snow in the latter of the week.
Pics taken with my 6S
33°F at noon
NNW winds at 14 mph
Stay warm everyone:icon_thumright:
Hey all,
Eager to use my new pinpointer and detector. Here in interior Alaska we have an abundance of snow. Only places I could dig would be the tot lots filled with pea gravel as it would not be too frozen to dig. I have minelab profind 25. I know not to submerge it, but how about using it in...