
  1. Fluid bed sluice design

    Looking for some advice on this design for a fluid bed sluice. This is kind of based on the "Snake River EXPEDITION Fluid Bed Sluice." I will put a metal mesh between the two sets of holes as a screen. The holes going into the chamber ate .6 inches in diameter and the end of the water funnels...
  2. Different types of alluvial wash plants

    Hey guys, here is a great article on different types of alluvial wash plants. Some are also used in hard rock gold production such as the Knelson concentrator and spiral concentrators. You are guaranteed to learn something from this article, even if you've been mining for decades...
  3. Dream mat or Fluid bed grizzly gold trap

    Hello fellow gold enthusiasts!! So it’s time for me to sell my old standard riffle system sluice and upgrade to a better system. I’ve done quite a bit of research and narrowed it down to either the ten inch dream mat sluice or the Grizzly fluid bed sluice. Just wondering what everybody’s...
  4. 1/3 yard run from my A52 super sluice

    Hello everyone, This is my first full season of prospecting. I started late last season without much luck. I first started finding gold last year on the outside bend (yes I know wrong area) and stuck with that spot, thinking there wasn't much else in the area. Yesterday I came back to that...
  5. Would you consider this good for the effort?

    Dug for about an hour or so, classified material down into about 1.5 buckets. This was in and under overburden on an old gravel bar deposit. Everything you see is pretty much all gold, aside from the gray speck right above Abes head to the left. Thoughts?
  6. Sluice plans? Additional tips?

    Hello everyone, I just recently became interested in prospecting. I don't want to spend the money on a sluice box or highbanker yet because I'm a beginner and I don't want to put a lot of money into something I haven't had much experience with. So I was wondering if anyone knew of some good...
  7. Place to Sluice Near Jamestown, CA

    Hello All! I bought a mini bazooka gold sluice around 4 years ago, but never had the time to use it. My family is traveling to Pine Mountain Lake this weekend and we are looking for a nice spot along the river to relax, have a picnic. I would like to use my sluice also! I have poked around...
  8. Recirculating Sluice ( April Update on the Gold we are finding )

    Testing a Recirculating Sluice and the April Update on what we have going on . Sneak peek at our next video !!!! Hope you enjoy the video, Jeff
  9. Recirculating Sluice ( April Update on the Gold we are finding )

    Testing a Recirculating Sluice and the April Update on what we have going on . Sneak peek at our next video !!!! Hope you enjoy the video, Jeff
  10. Recirculating Sluice

    Testing a Recirculating Sluice and the April Update on what we have going on . Sneak peek at our next video !!!! Hope you enjoy the video, Jeff
  11. Recirculating Sluice

    Testing a Recirculating Sluice and the April Update on what we have going on . Sneak peek at our next video !!!! Hope you enjoy the video
  12. Fill Sandbags to create small dam?

    I was wondering if anybody has tried using sandbags to create a small dam for sluice set-up? My spot does not have many big rocks so I usually have to shovel clay chunks to make a dam. I usually try to sluice in shallow waters running next to or ontop of sandbars. Problem with shoveling...
  13. Question About Legs for GGT Explorer

    Hi all, The creeks I'm trying to sluice in has no larger rocks so I need to build a leg system for my GGT Explorer to set in the creek. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas or plans for a DIY set of legs. I'm not a great engineer lol, and the few ideas I've tinkered around with make me...
  14. Amateur Prospector and Inventor Here!

    Hey guys! Been binge watching gold prospecting videos for WAY too long, and decided to give it a go. I've gotten pretty good, but given my location, there really aren't any good places to pan for gold. My YouTube channel has more, but is not geared specifically toward prospecting...
  15. Newbie here - first time using a sluice!

    I recently acquired the Angus Mackirk Eureka sluice and will be using it for the first time this Saturday. I am fairly new to prospecting and this will be my first time using a sluice. I've been watching a lot of YouTube videos on where and how to use a sluice but would love to get some tips...
  16. MY Bazooka gold trap (BGT sluice) - prospector version

    Hi everyone, just got my prospector bazooka gold trap from luckydan --- got it shipped to Taiwan ( btw, these guys at luckydan were pretty nice and fast... so big up boyz). went to the river with a mate and we had some good result. around 15 full bucket ( 15 hald bucket each) and some nice...
  17. Update on my sluice

    I decided to rip the carpet out of my sluice, and I temporarily have V-mats installed. When my gold hog mats arrive next week I will be replacing it again with those. Anyways, I was so anxious to get everything setup that I used my concentrator to feed my sluice, as I couldn't come up with...
  18. Which sluice box should I get for East Fork San Gabriel River?

    I'll mostly be in the East Fork San Gabriel river for the foreseeable future. I'm really struggling on which sluice to get here, I'm hoping you guys share any thoughts you have. They say the good gold is up higher (like 5 to 7 mile hikes) but I don't expect to be doing that most of the time if...
  19. New here....first post...sluice question

    Hey guys, I only recently discovered the magic that is gold prospecting and sluicing. I live in Los Angeles and was just introduced to the East Fork of the San Gabriel River a while ago. I never really got serious about anything until about 2 weeks ago when I picked up a piece of quartz on my...
  20. I need some opinions on my homemade sluice box

    Clear Creek that runs outside of Denver was my first panning experience a couple summers ago and netted about 1/4 gram of dust and small flakes just using my pan over a couple months. I was hooked! So I started learning more about other processes and tools and came across the sluice box. To me...
  21. What kind of sluice for slow and small creek?

    Hi, I really want to know what is the best kind of sluice I can use for lazy water. All I have is a BGT and most spots aren't strong enough. Any help is appreciated. Thank you for your time.
  22. Best sluice box for fine gold

    I was wondering in your opinion what would be the best sluice box for finding fine gold. With all of the forums I've read with people talking about their opinion of the best sluice put together, I've narrowed it down to these sluices and I was wondering, if you had to pick one of them, which one...
  23. Gold Hog Stream Sluice

    So, I finally broke down after watching all of the Gold Hog videos on Youtube. I Purchased the Gold Hog Stream Sluice.. and after only waiting 2 business days, I received it. I love it. I have yet to get it in the river, but what I can tell you is that thing is made to withstand almost any...
  24. A little prospecting journey in Montana...

    A friend and myself went out and dug some dirt in hopes of finding something heavy. We created a video of our little (9hr) adventure. If you would like to watch it and subscribe to our channel we would greatly appreciate it. It is a big long, but feel free to jump around. We had a great time...
  25. Finding the golden field of dreams in Iowa

    Hello! My husband Marco and I have been amateur gold prospecting for a little over a year now. We thought it would be fun to take a camera with us on our adventures and vlog a bit on our time out on the river/creek. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, we have a few vlogs on YouTube of the...
  26. T

    Reclamation - my 20 acres

    Reclamation of the land Its funny, I dont see enviros picking up trash in the forest, but time and time again in my life the miners are more active in reclamation of the land. Ive always been around miners who fill their pits and take out trash. Ive never seen my hippy friends running around...
  27. T

    Gold Placer observations from a gold Bullion Dealer and Federal Claim owner

    Im lucky enough to be a miner and a refiner. Dealing with bullion products and metal recycling, I also see things from the selling and buying public perspective. A lot of talk this summer was about the shortage of silver blanks to make bullion product, but that seems to easing with only the...
  28. made diy bazooka mini trap sluice plans for laser cutter

    Since tax, customs and shipping to europe is ridiculously expensive I've made a simple design based on the Bazooka Mini Trap Sluice. Everyone with access to a small table top CNC or Laser Cutter could make it. Had to guess the dimensions based on pics and some info from various forums. Here's...
  29. In search of a prospecting buddy. El Dorado County

    Hey there, i have been out busting my back solo for quite a few weeks on my days off. I have a couple of spots I have been hitting but would like to do some hiking and find some better spots. I have a Bazooka prospector , snipe, sluices ect. 29 years old and am down to work from dawn to dusk...

    BAZOOKA Fans, You guys win. I ordered and received my 36 inch Sniper a couple weeks ago. All things considered, it is one of the finest products I have ever purchased. Having been in the Industrial Design trade until retirement, I know about product development. It is hard to hit a home...
  31. DIY Rain Gutter Rubber Sluices

    Hi Guys, here's my latest video where I show 2 different size gutter sluices I made for working narrow streams and creeks. I made these because I had previously visited a stream i couldn't set my sluice up in as it was too narrow. I knew I would be visiting similar streams again so I decided...
  32. will my idea for a sluice work?

    I'm currently in Montana, but I am only here for another two weeks. I don't have the money to buy a sluice, or to buy the parts to make one. I was thinking of using an old grill. I was going to turn the grates upside down, so they sit like this \_/ \_/ \_/ I am planning on putting it...
  33. Shaw veranda carpet alternatives

    The green veranda carpeting by Shaw is no longer being manufactured. Is there any good alternative to the veranda?
  34. Southern Michigan

    Hi everyone. I am relatively new to Gold prospecting. I Recently took a trip to Arizona, tried gold panning and got hooked. I went out to some state land here in Michigan and didn't think that I'd find anything at all panning this little creek. (I'm not even sure I'd call it a creek it is a...
  35. Drop riffle Supersluice sluice in action in Scotland

    Here's a video of running some material through a fiberglass "Supersluice" sluice made by a chap who runs one of the UK gold prospecting forums. Skip to about 1/2 way through to see the material in the sluice and let me know what you think.
  36. Portable/compact sluice help!!!

    Hello I am looking to purchase or make a portable sluice to haul in a backpack. There are so many out there!! Your help is appreciated. I will be working areas in California. Do you have a favorite? Plastic or metal? Thanks for your help and expertise!
  37. Gold dredging underwater for GOLD!

  38. Gold in Northwest Washington

    My buddy building a good spot for his sluice box. This is my set-up. Color in my box. Feeding his sluice. There she goes. My work area. Test pan. The lay of the land. We are working on the inside bend of the stream. A closer look. My buddy's gear. My gear. It...
  39. Idaho prospecting...or not?

    Hey all, New to the forums and relatively new to prospecting. Been panning for a few years with only a few small nuggets to my name and lots of Snake River Flour. I'm looking for opportunities to get out there and really hit it hard. I was recently up in Grangeville, ID last week for about...
  40. Sluice box angle within stream

    I am making my very first post, and I must say, Wow..this site has A lot to offer I am a recent MC member, and have relocated with my job to Sacramento Ca. i have been out prospecting 8 thimes this year so far, planning on at least 5 trips per month ti different areas of the Plumas, Nevada...
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