silver ore

  1. Gold silver and PGM multi-metallic ore specimen

    Here's a few of the samples I have collected personally from different properties that I've been able to prospect in the south Western corner of the Carolina slate belt. I have lots more all of which are Gold bearing with visible Au minerals. I wanted to add that I am going to be offering up...
  2. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Found some sort of ore, not sure if it is zinc, nickel, or silver??? Can anyone help me out pls??

    I would appreciate the help identifying it thanks!!! And as always keep hunting!
  3. Possible Silver ore???

    I found it on the rail road tracks where generally there is tons of regular iron ore. And while I was walking home from work, I found this small heavy rock, hammered it open, and I looked and saw silver possibly??? Any comments will be appreciated thanks!
  4. Lode Gold Mining Intro

    We head back into the mine to do some Lode Gold Mining! Up in the stope, we encounter a rich gold ore lens alongside a dike intrusion. Chiseling into the gold quartz vein is slow going but we end up with some rich ore samples for Jesse to analyze. This isn't just a gold deposit, the vein also...