
  1. photo_2023-11-16_13-15-40.jpg


    denarius coin
  2. What do you all DO with your non-money finds?

    What do you all DO with your non-money finds? I mean jewelry, relics, toys, tools, knives. Do you keep them? Give them away? Display them? Return to owner? Sell them on Ebay? What are the different things you do?
  3. WANTED: Fisher f44 or Land Ranger Pro

    Hello! I am a pretty new detectorist and looked into buying a better machine. If you own a new or used (must be in good condition) Fisher f44 or Bounty Hunter Land Ranger Pro that you want to sell let me know your price and then we'll go from there. NOTE: seller must not live in the U.S...
  4. What is the best way to sell a lifetime collection?

    Hi There, My Dad passed away last year and we need to sell his collection of North American Indian Artifacts. There are approximately 4,000 pieces, mostly points, but axes, pendants and a little bit of pottery as well. He has some that he paid $2,500 to $5,000 for at auctions, and some...
  5. My friend needs help with his F2

    Normally I would check the Classifieds but wanted to get the attention of the Fisher users here. My newbie friend has been hunting with me (I use an Etrac) and wants to upgrade to a DD coil for his F2. Anyone here have any extra DD coils for trade or sale? My friend told me he joined the site...
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