san gabriel river

  1. BRAND NEW need help picking a detector

    Hello, im Blaine, I live near Azusa California. I really have no idea what detector to get. I want to go up on the San Gabriel east for river and look for some cold in dry rockey areas and river bed areas also. i want to also go to parks and beaches to look for random thinks. i been looking at...
  2. New So Cal treasure hunter here :)

    Hello everyone! Newbie to this awesome site. Found some great information here. I will try and contribute here too! :icon_thumright: Mainly will be searching the East Fork area and hope to meet some people in the hobby. Take care and be safe! Eric 8-)
  3. East Fork, SG River Prospecting Enforcement

    Hi, So I've been following the threads about the East Fork location for a while and finally picked up some gear. Was going to head down there as soon as the roads were open again but figured I should call the ANF Ranger station to find out about claims, since I've seen a fair amount of warnings...
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