
  1. King Hezekiah's Royal Seal (From the Bible)

    I just found this out 7 years after the find :laughing7: ,but apparently King Hezekiah's Royal Seal (From the Bible) has been found!! Apparently, it was found on December 2, 2015, and was found by Efrat Greenwald, a member of the "Ophel Expeditions" in Jerusalem! A translator found out that the...
  2. Royal Seal of King Hezekiah, son of King Ahaz

    Royal Seal of King Hezekiah, son of King Ahaz

    This was a recent artifact found in Jerusalem (Found by Efrat Greenwald, member of the Ophel Expedition). King Hezekiah lived between 739 BC - 687 BC (Between ages 51-54 years old when death occured). If you want to learn more about this king, read the "Gods and Kings" Book Series, by Lynn Austin!
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