
  1. Shimmering, rough, rock. Need help identifying.

    Hi! We are trying to figure out what type of rock this is. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. The rock is very shimmery and the photos don’t do it justice. Extremely rough. Not magnetic. The rock itself is a black, grey, green color with many sparkles. Found near the American River in...
  2. Help needed to identify rough stones and chips, thoughts please!

    Hello all, I have little experience with gemstones and found these with a collection of jewellery at auction. Not the most exciting treasure hunt but an unexpected find still! I understand its difficult to tell from photos but can anyone see anything that would indicate what they are? I...
  3. Need help identifying a Rock I found

    Hello everyone, I found this Little Rock on my property in Texas while I was gardening, anyone have an idea of what it is?
  4. what is it ? help

    help identify these stones smaller stone with 2 grams approx 12 ct green, largest stone 25 grams, color chcolate black cape. collected directly from nature and clean with only water, some completely trasparente against the light. smaller stone with 2 grams approx 12 ct green, largest stone 25...
  5. help me ? stones ID

    What are these? help identify help me ? stones ID , help me identify these stones smaller stone with 2 grams approx 12 ct green, largest stone 25 grams, color chcolate black cape. collected directly from nature and clean with only water, some completely trasparente against the light.