rock hounding

  1. Help! What is this on petrified wood???

    I have been rock hounding for > Than a year so Im not the best @ figuring out what Exactly it is that I bring home lol I just keep the pretty,unusual,and ones that ? speak to me? so I?m hope n that someone can tell me what has formed on this piece of petrified wood that I have collected ......thanks
  2. Hi, hey there.

    So, uh, hi. I’ve been lurking a while and decided to sit at the big kids’ table. I’m RJ: mom, nerd, collector of bad music/strange things I find on the ground/scars/animals/complaints about kids these days. Living the low life on the really real side of Orange County, California. Decided to...
  3. ✅ SOLVED Hello and thank you for welcoming me , I found in desert south of Las Vegas. ???

    Hello and very magnetic , I found in desert south of Las Vegas. ??? I forgot to say its very magnetic
  4. Need help w these rocks!

    All I did was wash them so far. Just wondering what they are && I don't have a magnet or anything else with me to test them. The one on top has what looks like metal Bob's on the top. And green inside. And the middle one had a thin crust and is heavy. And the bottom is blue/green inside. Thanks...
  5. Rock hound find ..any thoughts ?

    I examined thru a magnifier and there wasn’t any signs of bubbles jus clear through
  6. River Rock Finds - Identification Help?

    Found these two rocks today! This first one is just a normale quartz rock but I thought the way to quartz looked was really neat. It reminds me of a black & white tree frond. And on the other side is a swirl pattern. But the coolest find was this one! It looks to have an extremely clear white...
  7. Gem Hunting Crash Course

    Hi world, I'm new to prospecting and was wondering if anyone can link me to a couple of websites that can help me learn more about it. I'm more interested in gem's after traveling the coast of California and meeting people making and selling jewellery along the beach city's. I love the outdoors...
  8. Hey From Mesa, AZ

    New to prospecting, but I'm an avid hiker, so I geared up to make the hikes more interesting. I've been scouting Superior AZ and surrounding vicinity to spot good places for metal detecting, rock hounding and gold panning. I bought the Garrett ACE 350 and it should be in before Thanksgiving...
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