rock and minerals

  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Found this rock

    This rock caught my eye, found near the waters of the st Lawrence river in quebec, canada. After a quick rub it looks sandy-ish or something if you see the detail, its about an inch big and it got me curious as to what this may be exactly if anyone knows.. i have no idea other than maybe some...
  2. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Interesting rock (?)and shape

    I found this rock in the creek by my down the hill from my house. It comes from a local brook where many people find fossils and artifacts. Or sometimes just cool rocks lol. Can someone help me identify it? It almost looks like a thumb print indent on one side Thank you!
  3. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED OK guys u need help identifying this rock

    I have foubd 2 in long island in same location by the eater I think off of long island sound- going by memory here. It does not bubble when I put vinegar on it. Also just mentioning for funzies, looks like a dogs face on one side
  4. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Please help, mystery rock!

    Hello everyone, I discovered this awesome find in a dry river bed near Faribault Minnesota. I believe there are three possibilities for what this rock is. I believe it is either a large agate, banded jasper, or a banded iron formation. What else could this mystery rock be? I’m new to this...
  5. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED What in the world Rock.

    What in the world is this rock? Basalt like but black shiny shards throughout. Found on a beach in Maine. 5”Lx3.5”Wx1.25”D
  6. ✅ SOLVED Moroccan celestite geode

    Hello Im a moroccan miner and i ve found 4 tonnes of celestite geode i want to know where can i sell it in a wholesale quantity and a good price Leave you with the pictures thank you
  7. Rust non magnetic

    Heavy hard rock dulls a file quickly, oxidized but not magnetic
  8. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Wood or bone ??

    Looking at this specimen found in the Mississippi in MN it appears to have mineralized and turned to rock. Heavy for the size, also appears it’s hollowed from what I could see through one slit in the middle. Also wondering what the black staining is?
  9. Need help identifying

  10. IMG_2466.jpeg


    When a light is shined through it, it has a very clear yellow color and ALOT of air bubbles.
  11. 2 Rocks or stone on the beach of Maine.

    Any idea what they are. They are lightweight.
  12. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED What Gem or Mineral is this one?

    It's quite similar to quartz, it kind of looks like salt crystals, it's greyish, all of them are almost triangular with sharp edges. it is on an glittery white gray stone with some lighter strips, around the crystals it is more white (maybe calcite?), like in an amethyst geode. I found it near...
  13. How do you tell the difference?

    Hey everyone, Hoping ya'll can help me understand the difference between a meteorite and natural iron. I doubt that I'm lucky enough to have found an actual meteorite but how does one tell without being able to cut it in half to look at the internal structure? I've attached images of a "rock"...
  14. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Need HELP with inherited collection

    I inherited a large amount of lapidary equipment and boxes of stones. I was able to identify many of the agates but these last few rocks I am having a hard time with! Any help is appreciated and I will answer any questions as best I can! I do not know the location that any of these were found...
  15. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Need HELP with inherited collection

    I inherited a large amount of lapidary equipment and boxes of stones. I was able to identify many of the agates but these last few rocks I am having a hard time with! Any help is appreciated and I will answer any questions as best I can! I do not know the location that any of these were found...
  16. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED What is this rock?

    Hi all you geology sleuths:) I found this on a beach in New Zealand. It is lighter than stone, it is rock hard, and does not have any residue that transfers to material when rubbed. It does not make marks on anything except unfinished porcelain, it makes a dark brown line when drawn across it...
  17. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Found some sort of ore, not sure if it is zinc, nickel, or silver??? Can anyone help me out pls??

    I would appreciate the help identifying it thanks!!! And as always keep hunting!
  18. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Help Identify - Is this a Meteorite?

    Found in Hayden, Colorado at an excavation company's yard. Could've been brought back to our yard from Arizona as well because we've worked around the western US (mostly Co and AZ) since 1944. Not magnetic. Does not leave a mark on white paper. Very light weight for its size. One side looks...
  19. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Are These Diamonds?

    I have read as much as I could and looked at every image on the internet...and yet I'm still not confident if these are diamonds. Why? Because for every precious gemstone, there are 10 other stones that look exactly the same. 😂 I know kimberlite, blue ground, natural erosion of diamonds...
  20. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Please help identify host rock and mineral

    I found this around a friends property in central North Carolina. It looks like its containing gold but ive never seen a host rock like in the picture. I've done some tests and know it's not magnetic. I'm wondering if anyone else has an idea of what it might be or way to identify. Obviously it...
  21. Native American 3/4 grove stone axe head

    Hi there, I just acquired this axe head from one of my clients yesterday during a plumbing service call, she?s 70 y/o. She told me she owns land nearby pillager MN just north of Bemidji. She was walking through the wilderness looking for wild ferns to dig up and plant at her other home in the...
  22. A

    What is this rock?

    Hello! I found this rock in Cooperstown, New York. It doesn't worth anything probably but I am curious what kind of rock it is? It looks like a snake skin/ reptile skin. I found something on Google about the snakeskin agate but my stone doesn't look really like that. Thank you!
  23. Unidentified pieces of my collection

    Recently I was reorganizing my collection and I found a bunch of unidentified pieces I had forgotten about and just stored away. Iv'e picked out my 4 favorites if anyone could help me figure out what any of them are It'd be greatly appreciated! The largest piece is the one I'm most curious...
  24. Chert, Agate, and more! all from an RV sales lot of all places.

    Hello! This is my first post here. So recently I was helping my mother buy a used RV from a resale lot somewhere on the Georgia/Tennessee state line. We'd been to so many places that day I honestly can't remember everywhere we went I can't remember the name of the place I got these rocks but...
  25. Rock or fossil

    Found this rock in wood upside down near a bunch of natural springs no other rocks near it middle tn need help identifying it
  26. Rocks

    i have found these rocks can anyone identify this plz?
  27. ✅ SOLVED Hello and thank you for welcoming me , I found in desert south of Las Vegas. ???

    Hello and very magnetic , I found in desert south of Las Vegas. ??? I forgot to say its very magnetic
  28. Rock or Gem Identification

    I recently returned from a few months of working on a farm in Idaho. I’m going through all my finds I stumbled upon in the desert and mountains..going to post the mystery rocks/objects the next few days but I’ll start with just the simple stuff. Any info/opinion is welcome ! This rock is heavy...
  29. Misterious Volcanic Rock?

    Hi, so today out in a nearby field i found this rock which looks volcanic to me, but i dont have much experience... Its was found in a field near a city which doesn't have any volcano activity there or even close, in fact the country (Portugal) does not have or had any active volcanoes. The rock...
  30. Any idea what this rock is????

    Ive always wondered what this is, found it when I was young. :notworthy: Thanks:) Found on beach in California.
  31. What Kind of Rock is this? Is that Gold or No?

    This rock was actually found in our yard and once we broke it up we found this (see pics). Can anyone tell me #1 What kind of rock this is? #2 Is this unusual? and #3 Is that Gold in it or something else ie. Pyrite etc. Any information would be greatly appreciated. A little background...
  32. 1st time metal detecting - can rocks set off detectors?

    Today was my first day metal detecting and found this metallic rock. I was wondering what rocks set it off. Just trying to see if I can narrow down the list to identify this find. I’m in the middle TN region.
  33. Magic Red Rock !!

    Hi all, help me identifying this Red rock found in my site in South India . Majority of the site has an outcrop of Quartz Feldspar of high Grade. Just wondering if this can be of any help to market this? Does it have any potential mineral that can be processed and used ? Thanks in advance.
  34. No idea please help

    I have no idea what kind of rocks these are but if you can help me identify these it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  35. Anybody know what this might be?

    Very heavy and has a lot of white dots on it too.....
  36. help identify my find please :-)

    Hello, I’m new to this site, I wondered if you could help me identify my recent find. Whilst on holiday in Alicante Spain I did a little exploring up a near by mountain, I found a lot of fossilised shells up there but also found this rock, unfortunately the picture doesn’t do it justice but it’s...
  37. Need a little help identifying these?

  38. Please help me identify this rock, any advice will make my entire week, or month!

    Hello, I live in Phoenix, AZ, I recently helped my Dad tare down the rock wall that has been in our front yard since we first moved in, 13 years ago. It was a beautiful wall, but he decided to expand. Not only were there rocks on the exterior, but 100's were cemented on the inside as well...
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