
  1. Ring identification.

    Can anyone help with identifying and maybe evaluating this ring? It's previous owner who has passed away now, was a treasure hunter, Someone has told me that he has seen it with him long ago, and asked him where it was from, and he said that someone either from afghanistan or yemen gave it to...
  2. Tree’s Lounge

    1 Hour hunt under 3 trees and a park bench. I wasn’t expecting much, this spot appears on aerial maps after 1972. It isn’t in a real busy area either. $1.02 in modern change, oldest is 1971. …and another ring, high tone 82 on the Gold Kruzer, 4-5 inches deep. I like the Gold Kruzer more as...
  3. Almost!

    It looked real when It was dirty and I had sweat in my eyes…. She was hiding under a park bench, about 3 inches deep in hard dry soil. Not sure what it’s made from, I found it with my Gold Kruzer, VDI 89. I know its Faux, still happy to find it anyway!
  4. Could this be a trade ring?

    Found this brass & glass ring in the yard of a 200 year old house in VT. The site has yielded items from as far back as the 1700s (eg, 1751 KGII halfpenny; pewter buttons & spoons) but mostly 1800s. The ring was about 10?-12? down. It?s crudely made. Nothing is symmetrical, not even the facets...
  5. First Gold! (and Rings Come in Twos)

    I was detecting in a little old lady's yard in WI and dinged this ring. It was so light, I thought it was just a cheap-o. But after cleaning it up at home, I found the "10K G.F." stamp, which officially makes it my first gold! Two days later, I found this second ring (brass, I think) with two...
  6. Should of Posted This Yesterday but my first jewelry find!

    I should have posted this yesterday but I'm new here and found my first ring yesterday! It's missing the stone, but I'm pretty sure it's sterling silver since it says 925 on it. I found on the grass on the side of the walking trail that goes around Lake Nokomis.
  7. Doctor Rings and Things

    5 Rings, 16 diamonds, metal detecting Laguna Beach CA
  8. Quit throwing knives and phones in the river please!

    Found some stuff this weekend. One silver, one tungsten, and 2 titanium rings, a tag heuer 200m, couple of knives.
  9. ✅ SOLVED Symbol on Gold Piece found Metal Detecting Eye, Eagle, Man in Star

    Symbols on Gold colored Piece found Metal Detecting Any idea what organization this represents, what the symbols mean & age? I haven't been able to find a reference online. From what i can find is not KOC, Freemasons, or any i can find. It's about the size of a nickel, but thicker. I'm...
  10. Honker RING and a little SILVER!!!

    Went for a little hunt and found this ugly hunky skull ring and a nice silver coin! I wish that the ring was silver or even better gold because it's huge... oh well. Every junk ring you dig helps to keep you going because you never know, the next might be real!!! I've found six rings at this...
  11. Diamond Rings Found In Hidden Coke Can Stash!

  12. PDI ring ?

    Hello all, I have had this ring for quite a while not it’s been in my jewelry box. Well I got to looking at it and it says PDI on the inside of the ring. I searched what it could mean and it says Precious Designs Inc (which is jewelry ranging from 350.00 to the thousands or it could also mean...
  13. FOUND: 2 huge men's ring by swing set!!!

    Oh my goodness!!! I found the hockey ring yesterday, and today I found ANOTHER about a foot away from the hockey ring!!! What kind of stone is it? What do you think it's safe worth? it okey to put it in hot water and baking soda to clean it up? I'm not sure if the baking soda will harm the...
  14. Is this a good spot?!

    Hi, I'm new to metal detecting and am wondering if a 1909 park is a good place to find silver and gold and jewelry. It's not a huge park but a good size, it get a good amount of traffic. I saw a guy metal detecting there once. Also, what are the best places to look? Under trees? Picnic areas...
  15. Treasure hunter finds U.S. curler’s Olympic Gold ring

    Curler John Landsteiner lost his U.S. Olympic ring on Huntington Beach in California. Doctor Rings & Things found it. Landsteiner, part of the first U.S. Olympic champion curling team from February, dropped the ring about 10 to 20 feet into the Pacific Ocean on July 19, while he was in Southern...
  16. Hows Your Summer Going?

    Just checking in to see how everyone's summer hunting is going? Tell us about those finds good and otherwise... Anyone ran across any big snakes or maybe gators? Mine next to nill, I haven't had the time to get to far from home and do not have enough permissions nearby to be able to get out...
  17. 2-Ring, 4-Pieces of Jewelry Day with the Ace 250!

    I posted the following on my Facebook page last night after this exciting out-of-town hunt. I had to drive some distance to get to my detecting site this evening but it was worth the time and effort. Since my goal this year is to find as much gold as I can, I targeted a place that was a good...
  18. Weekend Ring Trifecta – Gold, Diamonds & Ruby

    Swinging has been taking the back seat to football for the last 2 months. Have been out a lil here and there with regular finds but this weekend I hit it big! Found my first ring and first gold on Friday night and I was excited. I was at practice and had an hour to kill so I went over to the...
  19. All Finds of 2016! Ace 250

    I just upgraded from my Ace 250 to the Garrett Ace 400, so excited to go use it! That being said I bought my Ace 250 early 2016 and it was my first nice metal detector. 2016 has been my first year of serious metal detecting. Below are photos of all my finds, some of them are things I stumbled...
  20. I had to earn it today.

    I woke up this morning to a lake in my front yard, almost didn't bother leaving the house. Caught a break in the rain around noon and decided to find some place to go. Started on a new local permission that's rather large but still might have a few goodies left over from the war. After nearly an...
  21. Metal Detecting America Episode 23

    New Upload!!! This week Jim and myself hunt a new park. If there is anything we can do to make these videos better please leave a comment and if you enjoyed the video hit the like button! Thank you in advance and I hope you enjoy the video!! https://youtu.be/x000J8vxwlo
  22. Metal Detecting America Episode 19 Relics!!

    New Upload!!!! Episode #19. This hunt was a pretty awesome hunt and found some amazing relics!! If you guys want to see different types of hunting please leave a comment and I'll see what I can do!! Thanks in advance, if you like the video please subscribe and hit the like button...
  23. Dallas

    If I wanted to find old coins or rings where would be the best place in Dallas Oregon for that? Thanks for the help I kind of new to metal detecting
  24. Beaches

    if I wanted to find rings where would be the best beach in Oregon that I would have the most luck of finding at the least one ring? Thanks so much for the help
  25. My Best Day Ever - Philadelphia

    Went to Philly to get my marriage license with my fiancé. The main portion of her parents' home was built around 1719. I started metal detecting in November of last year and have learned on my Garrett AT Pro out here in California. I have never had a day like I had in Philly. List below (with...
  26. GP 925 and some bling makes the outing fun !

    Found three rings today one looks to be decent the other two are kids rings. Photos of the GP 925 ring. The rest of todays finds minus the mystery item. Todays mystery item, seems to be a rattle or percussion noise maker. The copper is very brittle. Hope you all are getting some hunt...
  27. E-trac Detecting: GOLD & SILVER Spill! Multiple Silver Rings & Coins!

    Hello all, Had one of the best hunts yet today, and a good one earlier in the week. Found my first gold of the year and alot of other nice finds. Check out the video of my hunt. As always, I appreciate you taking the time to watch/look/comment. HH! Travis
  28. Lucky Golden Hunt

    You always need a little luck to find gold but in this hunt I was beyond lucky. See for yourself: HH!
  29. Winter Lake Gold!

    Here is a video of a recent hunt at one of my lakes. I started off using the White's Dual Field and found some deep targets but after finding about 30 bottle caps I switched to the Excall II and its discrimination capabilities. My friend used his Fisher 1280X. I hope you enjoy the video:
  30. Happy Birthday to ME! 2 rings, both class rings

    What a great day! I am a happy birthday girl. I found 2 class rings: one from 2006.......and, wait for it..................one from my year of birth, 1965. Yes, I am still UNDER 50. Not that's there anything wrong with that. It is 10k gold. God is good. I also found a 14k gold Texas...
  31. Ringing in the new year: 2 silver, 2 gold rings!

    Happy new year! I am a happy girl today. 4 rings. 2 silver and 2 gold. The big gold band is a puzzle ring and I am not sure what stone is in the gold ring....garnet? ruby?. The puzzle ring has 6 separate gold rings that have to be put together like a puzzle piece. I had to go to the...
  32. Small Lake Cut Yields Gold

    High winds at my lake generated some waves just big enough to move some sand around the shore: Golden Lake Cut - YouTube Enjoy and Happy Hunting!
  33. Beach Cut Yields Silver!

    For those new to beach hunting this video may be of help. Anytime there is a new "cut" in the sand as shown in this video there is a good possibility of finding nice targets with a metal detector. It means that some sand has been washed away, often taking the lightweight trash with it and...
  34. Platinum, Gold, Silver and other Rings Hunt

    Me and some friends got a little of everything on a recent hunt. I hope you like the video: HH!
  35. New here

    Hey new to the desert. La Quinta. Any interesting places I can search
  36. Silver and Gold from soccer fields

    I think I may have cleaned out the local soccer field over the last two weeks. In past months I found 2 gold bands there and now over the last 2 weeks I've found 3 more pieces of gold and silver jewelry. Two rings and a pendent. The small ring is sterling 3.5g, the big ring is a sterling band...

    :icon_scratch: I'm wondering about percentages of gold rings, vs. silver and junk. I seem to find one gold ring for every six that are either silver, stainless, titanium, etc (junk). The silver and junk rings seem to be tied at about 50% silver and 50% junk. Do these numbers hold up for you...
  38. Ace 250: Best Finds of 1st Year of Hunting in Maryland

    I started late in 2011 and here are my proudest finds. WW 1 (approx) button found in 1920's backyard Silver ring found in front of stands at high school baseball field Silver heart pendant (1g) in front of old high school in Baltimore in same hole as "Erma & Bill" hearts. Apollo coin found in...
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