
  1. Seated half dime, a worn half Real, buttons, etc in Western Indiana

    Found another old homesite that pre-dates the 1874 maps for my area and recovered these relics! A beautiful little 1840-O Seated Liberty half dime was my favorite find of the day, but had it not been extremely worn, the spanish silver would have probably been haha. I assume it is a spanish half...
  2. 1800s Diamond Ring - info wanted!

    Hi! I’m new here so not sure if I’m posting in the right place. My boyfriend bought me this ring today and we’d like to learn more about it. The antique shop lady said it’s from 1800s and these are mine cut diamonds. Any more info would be wonderful! Thank you!
  3. ✅ SOLVED Hey all!

    Hey all! I am so new to this and I have no idea how to work this but here it goes. I am curious as to what these markings on this ring may be. Only thing I understand is 14k, but I know it's got to be plated or something. Any thoughts opinions whatever please!
  4. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Vintage silver ring

    I found this ring in a park in Québec, can someone help me to identify the stone and probably the age of the ring.
  5. Seven Diamond Anniversary Ring Emerged From a Lake 12 Years Ago

    Within a couple of days of discovering this forum, my trusty AT Gold helped my rescue this beautiful ring from a fresh water lake. Someone else's bad luck, or disillusionment with what the ring stood for, turned into good luck for me and my wife. I did search via the internet for an owner, but I...
  6. Detecting finds from Sunday (early 1900s ring and more)

    My uncle gave me permission to detect a rental house he owns in the small town of Clinton, Indiana. He said the house was built in the 1890s. My favorite find was what I think is a brass/copper alloy ring with a fake Opal from the turn of the century. Second favorite find is a 1910 Barber dime...
  7. D


    Hi! Can you give me some info about this ring?
  8. A Sweetheart Ring?

    I spotted this ring at the thrift shop and decided to get it. There are two hearts on each side of the stone, in time for Valentine's Day. It has substance, not light in weight. The stone is quite large and I'm wondering if it's a zircon? There is a sterling mark inside the band with a logo that...
  9. 20231111_160348.jpg


    The last 14k ring I found with my Xterra 705
  10. 15th Gold Ring and it's a big old custom made Cigar band 14k

    I ran my brand new Simplex Ultra today using 4 tone and Wham O I scored my Biggest or heaviest of the year in 14K three inch's deep and it was my third target came in at a solid 59 but high tone .....weird but cool remember folks finding Gold never getr
  11. Update: There was a cellar hole out there: Bells, buckles, a baby’s ring? & baby’s first axe!

    Update at bottom in form of comment👇 had this marked as a potential site, from searching around my area on lidar. Did some more research on it last week. I also drove by to realize it was public property, so I went out there yesterday early afternoon and stayed until dark. It’s a lot bigger...

    Men’s 14k white gold. Don’t know the brand. First gold feels like I’m high 😂.
  13. My first GOLD thing!....and a pocket watch

    Well i finally got around to hitting the beach up this weekend. i am way more interested in historical items. But with the proximity of the fort being so close, i thought what the heck. It could be the best of both worlds. Since the state wont let me metal detect any where inside the historic...
  14. 14K Gold Ring

    14K Gold Ring

    9.8 Grams of 14K gold. Found while looking for bottles. I went looking for glass, and found gold.
  15. Gold Ring, Silver Ring, and Coins

    All from this evening. $1.52 clad coins, small sterling silver ring, big 14k gold ring In situ: 9.8 grams
  16. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Ring found near Paris

    Found this ring while looking through washrock by the Seine River. Any thoughts on age, or any other details? The ring itself had no insignia stamped on it
  17. it’s a 10k Diamond Ring for the win!

    Took a new detectorist out to a local park to help him improve his game. We spanked out a ton of coins which boosted his confidence. Just after an hour at the park I struck gold with this sparkler. Any help on the hallmark makers mark would be appreciated. Cheers!
  18. First Hunt, SILVER SCORE

    First hunt this year!! Haven't been detecting for a long time. So pumped that my first night out was a success!! Any guess on age for this vintage looking silver ring? And what about this button? Please comment if you have info. Thanks!
  19. Ring identification.

    Can anyone help with identifying and maybe evaluating this ring? It's previous owner who has passed away now, was a treasure hunter, Someone has told me that he has seen it with him long ago, and asked him where it was from, and he said that someone either from afghanistan or yemen gave it to...
  20. Hi, I'm new to this website. Here's is some of my best finds

  21. Tungsten Carbide ring

    Tungsten Carbide ring

    A cool tungsten ring I found last summer
  22. 10k White gold moissanite ring

    10k White gold moissanite ring

    One of my all time best finds up to date. I found it with the Garrett Ace Apex. I submitted it to Garrett and I won one of the monthly Apex finds.
  23. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Please help identify this ring

    Hello! I'm looking for information on this ring. So I believe this must be a medallion of some sort because the back side of it appears to be flat. I asked about it on the metal detecting subreddit and someone suggested it might be related to Sol Invictus. I don't have too much information on...
  24. 🥇 BANNER Is this 17g gold ring Freemasons or something else?

    So I haven't posted in a while, but this one rang up on my Equinox 600, and I was pretty stoked. 18k gold ring, 17g. I need some info on this, because I'm getting mixed reviews. Some say the motto "In Hoc Signo Vinces" makes it definitely Templar Masons, others say the scimitar makes it...
  25. RING , very old............

    Very-very old , big size ring,:) There are on this ring some letters, but very bad visible ....
  26. V.R.S.N.S.M.V RING

    Hello friends, Just found this rear marvelous ring along the bush. Some writtings on it and feels very heavy. has a cross and some writtings on it V.R.S.N.S.M.V video link It was cast from an original antique medallion (GOOGLE)
  27. Need help finding Gold ring in field

    Hi everyone! Are there any treasure hunters that want to make a little money off their find? I lost a gold ring in a park while my wife and I were taking pictures. It wasn’t my wedding ring, per se, but still a very special ring that my wife gave me after our wedding. Lots of sentimental value...

    I am desperately trying to get help to find my wedding band . Value is $750 . Accidentally pulled off and is currently sitting at the bottom of a river. 14' max depth, extremely slow to no current. i have a map with marking with the exact route i swam . also two scuba divers came out and combed...
  29. Can you identify? TODAYS FIND!

    Found on outing today...Has initials R.F. and Also this mark. Can anyone please help Identify this mark? Happy Dirt...
  30. Moar River Gold!

    I spent yesterday playing in the river with my propointer and ATpro and found 5 bricked cell phones (one has an SD card we are going to return to the owner) a sterling ring, and this chonky gold ring. It's pretty crude which makes me think it may be from an amateur jeweler in South America. Its...
  31. 925 “PC”

    Looked all over the internet for this jewelry hallmark on a ring I found in the yard of an ‘85 house flip and there is no clear definition for it. Thought I could share this for the experienced on here. HH everyone:icon_thumright:
  32. 1927 HS Ring - 10 K Gold

    I acquired a ring from my late step mom from Connecticut. I have asked her family and nobody seems to know about the ring. It has what looks like a B in the center and HS on both sides. There is some initials on the inside but not sure what school it could be from.
  33. 1867 penny, gold plated ring, old button and a lead toy soldier, all from my yard

    if anybody has any questions, feel free to ask!
  34. Iron rings and links

    My buddy found this in what was once a farm until around 1970. I believe it’s iron. It is pretty heavy. There are no makers marks on it. I used a can of soda for size purposes. He attempted to remove some of the rust with Naval jelly which explains the whitish color. It was really closer to...
  35. First Gold of 2020

    This is why you dig pull tab signals. 10k Knights of Columbus ring
  36. Does this marking mean its real gold?

    The marking inside this gold ring says 18KGERSG what does it stand for?
  37. Need help with this odd ring?

    A friend of mine found this and has no interest in collecting they found it on accident and i cant find anything on it so any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for your time.
  38. yard sale SILVER RING!

    Found this 5 g. ring for .25 cents at a yard sale. It's worth about 2.30 in silver. It's out of shape sadly.
  39. Gold Ring!!

    Finally some gold! After hunting a lawn I’ve hunted numerous of times I dig up this 18k gold ring! Turns out it’s a Swedish female wedding ring from 1965. I hunted the high ferrous area really slowly to get down to the signals buried beneath the iron. After getting a semi-clear 70’s signal I...
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