Is that actually a purple bottle or is it for or paint leftover inside? Also haven't got a horseshoe for 3 digs but I got a bell each time kind of interesting. Also this might be my oldest Minnesota plate 1925 My lighting and photo conditions are bad and I didn't clean it at all so... And phone...
I live in the Pacific Northwest. It rains a lot here. Yesterday I learned that digging after a few days rain is MESSY. I knew it would be but not on this scale. Do you guys have any tips and tricks to dig without making a huge mess?
In case you are wondering I dug holes in a forest and did not...
Hello Everyone:
I searched the site and the web, for half-way decent rain gear, more specific, strong in the crotch.
What I am seeking is advice on rain gear. What do you use? I am fairly tall, and my problem is, when I kneel down
rip goes the crotch. Most jackets are fine. I am trying not...
I'm swingin' in the rain...
Today was the day I got to try out my new Garret AT Pro. Perfect day to try it out too. I was in the field swinging for about 30 minutes and then the rain started falling. I threw up the hood on my sweatshirt and pressed on, knowing I didn't have to worry about...