
  1. 1955 Silver Washington Quarter

    1955 Silver Washington Quarter

    Found at my local grocery store coinstar.
  2. 1955 Silver Washington Quarter

    Found this silver quarter this morning in the return slot of my local grocery store coinstar. It more than covered the cost of the banana and bagel I purchased for breakfast.
  3. First silver of 2023!

    First silver of 2023!

    1963 silver Washington Quarter from the ocean. Found January 2nd 2023.
  4. Coinstar: 4 Silver Quarters

    Coinstar: 4 Silver Quarters

    A chance discovery at the supermarket. Four silver Washingtons mixed in with a collection of other rejected coins.
  5. Sweet sixtie-four

    It was quite rainy this past week, wasn't able to go MDing for almost 2 weeks. So in the meantime I resorted to CRH. Haven't found anything exciting on that part though. So I was just out for milk this evening. I decided not to go to the typical CVS where I usually purchase items I need right...
  6. Good call

    Pretty windy today, and it’s my brothers birthday. It was already starting to get dark after 5pm as thicker clouds continue to move in. Towards the end of our errand spree around town, we head to Walmart as the last stop. My brother asks if we could drop him off at a bookstore on the way...
  7. Had to get out

    Spent about an hour at small picnic area. This was my first venture with my detector away from my own yard. Found a beautiful Quarter and a couple pennies. Started digging signals that were to deep and mostly trash then turned to looking for things closer to the surface. Seemed to work better...
  8. My First Silver Coin!

    I've been at this since fall of last year, and have found a medium-sized-jar's worth of clad, and a small dumpster worth of junk. I've mostly been hitting parks and apparently I'm not the only one. Looking forward to getting some permissions soon. Anyway, oldest coin I've found so far was a...
  9. Whoa! Best day ever at CoinStar machine. Silver quarter!

    Silver quarter found at the CoinStar reject tray! Compare that one-minute grab to a full day metal detecting! :laughing7:
  10. 1945 QUARTER

    Hi all. Before you all come down on me with the snide remarks lol. Let me just say, I know I'm probably asking a stupid question. I know it's probably worthless. I know even if it is something that it is in poor condition. I know nothing about coins. With that being said.... Is this quarter...
  11. I found a SILVER CARIBOU!!!

    First silver of 2019, first silver found with my new detector, and first silver quarter found other then the one I found on my lawn!!! Woo! Scratched it on the back on the left... oh well. Also found a 1944 penny and a costume ring. This is the fourth silver item found at this park! Im going...
  12. First Coinstar silver!

    Coinstar silver! August 2018 - After realizing I had to get groceries, I stop at a grocery store in SA. Just shopped 40 minutes ago and I normally check the store Coinstars reject bucket for rejected coins, this time there was a small handful of change inside. After examining the change, I find...
  13. Natural toning?

    Hi, can someone help me? Is this toning? You can only see the colors ifor you tilt it towards light. The pennie is a nice red color. If this is natural toning (I found them with my detector) could you sell them? If you can sell these what price should I ask?
  14. Natural toning?

    Hi, can anyone tell me if these coins are worth anything? I found them with my detector. For the nickel and quarter, the only way to see the colors is by tilting it so light shines on it. This is natural toning right? Will people buy these and if they will how much will they sell for? What about...
  15. Silver on your own lawn?! Yep!

    Was happy to find this nice silver ca. quarter on my lawn! Also found this wheat pennie. Why do people like to collect wheaties? Do they have much value or do people like them just because they are older coins? Would this wheat sell? How about the silver?

    Found my first silver Quarter :) 1944 washington silver!
  17. ✅ SOLVED I found a 1983(P) quarter in amazing condition!

    So I was rummaging around some miscellaneous coins around my house, and I found this gem of a coin! :hello2: At first I thought nothing of it, but I had recalled seeing an article online saying that the 1983(P) quarter could be worth up to 2,000$. Personally I am a bit skeptic of this article...
  18. ✅ SOLVED What is a "first strike" penny?

    So this will come across as a stupid and dumb question, but i'm still learning the ropes and terms for coin hunting. Sorry! I see from time to time listings on ebay that claim the said coin is "first strike". What does this term mean????
  19. RUST??? I don't know

    I got this quarter in a hand full of change. It looks rusted, but I was under the impression that coins don't rust. Any help you... well... help. Thank you
  20. Huge steel plate and big pipe and a few other things

    This video is of a couple hunts combined. The second one was my FIRST private property permission hunt! Unfortunately, got skunked on that but still had a great time diggin' up things in that vacant lot out there this morning. Feel free to like and subscribe to my YouTube channel...
  21. I think I found a new Cumberland Gap quarter doubled die.

    I was looking through my National Park Quarter album for doubled dies and other varieties, and I found one. It is a 2016-P Cumberland Gap and it seems similar to WDDR-001 or DDR-001. However, it seems different to me and I need someone else's opinion. Do you think it's a DDR-001 or a new...
  22. My first Seated Liberty

    I found a 1942 George quarter on Tuesday evening which I thought was awesome, then yesterday I had about an hour to kill in a field that I've been wanting to try out and up comes this beauty. My first seated liberty and oldest dug coin so far.
  23. Swing and a miss Uncle Sam ! Error Quarter

    I don't why I get so excited when I find a error coin other than it proves that even the most powerful can make a mistake. That and I finally found something to share.. Have a Great weekend all. Jim in Vt HYPoint Canadian Coin Exchange
  24. Found My 1st Seated!

    I got lucky in a farm field the other day. No, not THAT kind of luck!... I found my very first Seated Liberty coin and boy does she look pretty! An 1839 Quarter! It was only four inches down too, an easy catch for just about any detector (I was using a borrowed Etrac). Thanks for looking ~...
  25. 1873-1973 Mountie Quarter

    Hi, Found this today. I don't know how to figure out if it's a large or small bust, could anyone let me know? Also, if it's not a large bust, is it worth anything? Thanks
  26. i need help/info on a 1968E quarter

    i have this 1968 quarter and was wanting to know if any one can tell me any thing about it as it's a (error coin) it has no scratches but the entire quarter is covered with tiny divots all over it as you can see in the picture the weird thing about it is it's like there's two small half's...
  27. A Few Wheats and My First (Epic) Silver of 2014!

    First time posting in today's finds! Started off the morning with a short hike through my woods to an old house foundation I found 2 days ago, found some weird, flower shaped sprinkler thing on the surface. Decided to head back to my house to search my yard as I wasn't having much luck, and...
  28. 1898 Quarter, possible mint mark error?

    Well freezing outside, can't metal detect...or really do anything outside lol. So was looking through some of my recent coin purchases, and this one kinda stuck out. Its a barber quarter 1898, it seems like there may be a faint mint mark. I see the mint mark of an S, photos aren't the best...got...
  29. Did I receive a 2010 s Grand Canyon Proof quarter as change?

    I went to an estate sale today but didn't find much.. I bought a wooden box for $5.. When I paid, I realized it was 25% off so I received $1.25 back from my $5 bill.. When the woman put the quarter in my hand I immediately noticed that it was one of the shiniest coins I've ever seen.. Once...
  30. Teknetics T2 SE Depth test results.

    Here are the depth results results of a U.S. quarter in the ground using boost mode with 99 sensitivity and 50 discrimination with 3/4 of it's battery life. Quarter=9'' with 60% mineralizied soil.
  31. Meanwhile in Canada

    Hi Im new to this forum, started to roll hunt at work and picking dimes, quarter from banks. I'vr been skunk from rolls at work. Went to bank today, picked four rolls of dimes wich were skunks, on top of that I've got 8 rolls of quarters. This is starting, the Teller put them on counter, i...
  32. First Silver Coin!!!

    Whahoooo! I dug my first silver coin on fathers day. I haven't had a chance to download the photos until today. I hunted a permissioned property in Wharton county which is about an hour and a half out of Houston. I had stopped there before with my son to ask permission and did a test run with a...
  33. New CRHer here, just here to show off my finds thus far

    :hello:Hi guys! New to treasurenet after being directed here by the awesome people on the reddit.com/r/CRH forum. Anyway, just wanted to say that I intend on being a frequent poster here, and have a bit of experience with coin roll hunting already, but just getting started here on this site. I...
  34. What specific years are da goods?

    I know for halves pre-1964 is 90%, and that 1964-1970 is 40%. Is this the same with quarters and dimes? Also, what types of halves, quarters, and dimes are valuable? I have heard barbers, washingtons, standing liberty, walking liberty, rosies.... but i have no idea how to identify these. Can...
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