
  1. Help identifying tan rock black on inside

    Hi guys, I'm new here. Found this forum while doing research trying to identify these rocks. Hi All! These rocks are tan on the outside with black/dark blue/purple on the inside. Very heavy (what rock isn't lol). One is about 6 oz, one is 3 oz, and one is 1.1 oz. I live in east Tennessee, in...
  2. amethyist Umbrella INKWell Pictures ! New Find

    Hey Guys! It's Good to be back. I've been gone awhile, life took over it happens, feels good to be back at the old hobby. So I was a with a friend and went to a local flea market today! Had just been thinking about how I wanted to find my first Umbrella Ink and there she was last minute, in the...
  3. Rock Identification. Any help is appreciated. :]

    I found these 2 stones. From another post, I think I have an Amethyst (the purple), but I have no idea what this blue one is. The way all the blues come together is almost psychedelic. And then there are little white crystals in the middle. The edge is rough all around and have blues and white...