
  1. gold panning prospectors partners

    hello guys I live in wake forest nc. I am looking for a partner or partners to get together and do things together or just hike and prospect for new panning gold creeks. I am always free on the week end. If you are from the east like Raleigh, cary, or durham or chapel hill or wake forest we...
  2. Bazooka Goldtrap out of business? Really no Black Friday discount?

    Hey guys do you have a email address from the Bazooka Gold Trap Company? Just wanted to order a Bazooka Gold Trap Prospector 36" and asked them if they offer some sort of discount for Black Friday / Cyber Monday. A couple of days ago I've contacted them through their contact form and facebook...
  3. made diy bazooka mini trap sluice plans for laser cutter

    Since tax, customs and shipping to europe is ridiculously expensive I've made a simple design based on the Bazooka Mini Trap Sluice. Everyone with access to a small table top CNC or Laser Cutter could make it. Had to guess the dimensions based on pics and some info from various forums. Here's...
  4. The Prospector

    (Hopefully) users will post their comments and questions about the Prospector models in this new thread.. :thumbsup:
  5. Who is your favorite Prospector?

    There are a few people I like to watch on youtube and other video sites, Jeff Williams (, Rob Goreham (49er mining supplies), and Prospector Jess ( are a few of my favorites. There are more guys that I can't think of right now, like this really cool...
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