prospecting for gold

  1. Looking for gold prospectors around Charlotte, NC

    Hello everyone, what a lovely community! My name is Lucas and I'm from Berlin in Germany. I'm working as a producer for a German TV show, that will be filmed in September this year in the U.S., Currently I'm looking for gold prospectors, who would be interested in taking us on a gold hunt...
  2. Bedrock Crevice Detecting on the Yuba River

    Click here for Video Bedrock Crevice Detecting on the Yuba River Let's Find some Gold on Mother Yuba !!! We head back to the Yuba River in search of those elusive Gold Nuggets. We are armed with the Minelab SDC 2300 and the White's Gold Master V-Sat that gives us both a Pulse Induction...
  3. Finding Placer Gold with a Metal Detector and a Breaker Bar

    Finding Placer Gold with a Metal Detector and a Breaker Bar Armed with a Breaker Bar and a Minelab SDC 2300, a White's Gold Master V-Sat Jeff and Gary ( Two Toe's ) head back to the Gravel Bar to finish up the search for Placer Gold Nuggets !!!!! Jeff brings the Big Breaker Bar and it...
  4. Cutting Room Floor ( Panning with Two Toe’s and the Hawaiian’s)

    See what clips didn't make the cut in my upcoming video !! We like to have fun while we are out prospecting and this time it's at J.C.'s expense !!! Gary ( Two Toe's ) shows off his Gold panning skills and I give J.C. the Mining Hawaiian a gift. Tim ( Blue leads Gold Production ) gives a...
  5. 2020 North Yuba River Nugget Hunt ( a day in Pictures )

    A Photo journey into the happenings of Saturday July 25th 2020 at Tim's 2020 North Yuba River Nugget Hunt !!! There were many prospectors in attendance and I didn't get pictures of everyone as they came and went thoughtout the day. There were plenty of metal detector's running and Gold Pan's a...
  6. The Nugget Hunters Hawaiian Challenge

    Jeff and Gary accept the Hawaiian's Challenge !!!! Tim ( Blue Lead Gold Productions ) and JC (The Minin Hawaiian) have Challenged Jeff (Smithsgold) and Gary ( Two Toe's ) to see who can find the most Gold Nuggets !!! Detector's ready lets get to finding those elusive Gold Nuggets. Gary and...
  7. The Nugget Hunters ( Preview )

    Join in the search for Gold Nuggets in the California Motherlode with Nugget Hunters Gary ( Two Toe's ), Prospector Jerry ( California Motherlode Prospectors ), Jeff ( Smithsgold ), Bedrock Bennett, and JC ( Minin Hawaiian )as they search for elusive Gold Nuggets. The Nugget Hunters COMING...
  8. Crevicing for Gold

    Watch as Jeff and Gary ( Two Toes ) head to the Hills in search of Gold !!! On this adventure they will be Crevicing the Bedrock cracks in search of Hidden Gold !!!! If you like the Video please Like and Subscribe to the channel this way you can get updates on new video's Thanks for watching...
  9. New to the Hobby, Location Issues

    Hello! I'm new to the hobby of gold prospecting and have met two main points of interest which I want to expound upon to see what I can do with them. Namely, these are... 1: I am currently attending university in northeast Missouri, in a region which, according to my (admittedly limited)...
  10. Trail riding & Bedrock Busting for Gold

    Trail riding & Bedrock Busting for Gold Take a trip with Jeff and Mike as they go on a trail ride up in the Sierra's to look for some Gold trapped in Bedrock. My first try at doing a prospecting video for my YouTube Channel it was a lot of work and a lot of fun to do !!! If you enjoyed the...
  11. Detecting Apache Junction

    Ok, first of all, thx in advance for any replies. Ive been metal detecting for about 10 years (mainly parks) or so, but finally have an opportunity to devote more time to the hobby. Freshly retired military with no encumberments, so I want to give it a go with finding some gold nuggets. Like a...
  12. Ohio Dredging Video 2016

    Our good buddy Dan-O Found a hot spot down at Bills Pure Gold and invited us to his secret hole! Here is the video link:
  13. My New, Improved Rocker Box

    I really liked my first rocker box that I built out of material that I had laying around. It worked really well and I have a lot of fun using it when the regs say you can't use any motorized equipment. So, I thought I'd build a brand spanking new one. Here it is! I'll probably do more tweeking...
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