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  2. Looking for gold prospectors around Charlotte, NC

    Hello everyone, what a lovely community! My name is Lucas and I'm from Berlin in Germany. I'm working as a producer for a German TV show, that will be filmed in September this year in the U.S., Currently I'm looking for gold prospectors, who would be interested in taking us on a gold hunt...
  3. ❎ SOLD Minelab GPX 5000 Bundle With 5 Coils Only $2,500 OBO

    I am selling my lightly used GPX 5000 with 5 coils (4 brand new) for only $2,500 OBO shipped FEDEX to lower 48. This unit SN#74228154450 was purchased from Gerry on 3 July 2019 and always had the box covered. I have only about 40 hours on this unit and it's been in the closet ever since. GPX...
  4. Panning for Gold on the Yuba River

    Panning for Gold on the Yuba River We head to Mother Yuba in search of Gold and piece of mind !!!! My goal for the trip was to find a couple of spots where the Gold has gathered during high water. ( flood Gold ) A Nugget would be great a Picker would be Good but just being out on the...

    Hi all, Firstly, I'd like to say that I'm a long-time frequenter of this forum, however, this is my first post. I appreciate that this topic may not be what most people are used to reading and following but I wanted to get all your thoughts on a new business idea I've been toying with for a...
  6. Moving Boulders to find more Gold Nuggets (a Two Toe's Adventure)

    Moving Boulders to find more Gold Nuggets a Two Toe's Adventure We return to move a boulder that's been keeping me awake at night just thinking about what might be underneath it. This boulder is sitting on Bedrock just above the main flow of the river so it could be loaded with Gold !!!! I...
  7. New video featuring some bedrock exploration on one of our claims - Thanks!

    Here is our latest video, its been a while. This is more of a trip log / vlog than anything else. I hope you enjoy, subscribe if you can and comments and feedback are always welcome. Stay Safe!
  8. Crevice Detecting for Gold Nuggets

    Crevice Detecting for Gold Nuggets Metal detecting bedrock crevices for Gold Nuggets with two Minelab's SDC 2300 and a White's Gold Master V-Sat. What's better than Finding Gold ? watching and helping your friends find Gold !!!!!! Watch as the lead and Gold pop out of the crevices along...
  9. First time out this year - Montana

    My daughter and I were planning to go skiing this weekend, but when we got to the ski area it was 60 degrees in the parking lot, so I asked if maybe she wanted to do something else. I gave her several options, one of which was gold panning, her eyes lit up and she said "ooh, let's go gold...
  10. Deep Dive into Dowsing

    Hey guys check out this article about dowsing and some of the science behind it. I know it's been discussed quite a bit on this forum. This article lists several scientific studies on dowsing and talks about some of the principles.
  11. Video Log of our trip on High Bar road near Lillooet BC doing some prospecting!

    Check out our latest video when you get a minute... please subscribe if you can!
  12. Happy New Gold Year, Gold Panning the Feather

    Happy New Gold Year, Gold Panning the Feather Happy New Gold Year Day 0ne on the Feather River Panning for Gold to get the jump on Gary ( Two Toe's ). The past couple of years Gary's gotten out on the river on New Years day to jump start his Gold totals in our endless quest to see which...
  13. Uwharries National Park Gold Prospecting

    Hello everybody, I live about an hour away from the Uwharries so that’s my main area I like to look for gold. Anyway, I’ve been having a hard time finding a good area to set up a sluice, can anyone give me some suggestions on where to try, I’m fairly new to for gold prospecting world so if...
  14. First time panning for gold!

    Hey all! I just got some gold bearing paydirt and I panned it out and got some sweet gold. I know paydirt is not an investment but it is worth the loss in fun had. Please let me know how I can improve my panning technique or what other equipment I should get my hands on. Thank you! My panning...
  15. The Two Toe's Lost Treasure

    Come along with Jeff and Gary (Two Toe's ) as they set off in search of the Lost Honan (Two Toe's) Treasure. There searching for the Gold Nuggets that Gary's Daughter and Grandson lost the year before. Hydraulic pit detecting can bring great rewards or just a long hot day out looking for Gold...
  16. Sniping & Fishing on the Yuba

    Follow along as Jeff and Christina head to the cool waters of the Yuba River to do a little Sniping and Fishing. What could be a better way to spend the day out on the river then looking for Gold Nuggets and trying to catch a fish or two !!!! Cool off in the fresh waters of the Mother Yuba ...
  17. Classifying on the Yuba River

    Classifying Gravels for Gold Panning on the North Yuba River near Downieville, California. Tim's 2020 North Yuba River Nugget Hunt.Watch as Prospector's Pan the Gravels of the North Yuba River near famous Hwy 49 looking for that Elusive Gold !!!!! A great day out in the Mother lode with good...
  18. Gold panning and highbenker

    New video of me gold prospecting
  19. Old Prospectors Cabin in the BC Gold Rush Area

    Found this a couple weeks ago, did some detecting and had a great hike. Just working on the video! Check out our YouTube Channel.
  20. Currently Printing a New Gold Shaker

    So last Thursday I ended up in the hospital from chest pains. All is good so far. Stress test is coming up. During this time, I have been working diligently on a product that will help a LOT of people who go gold prospecting either as a hobby or as a profession. One thing I have noticed is that...
  21. Lesson Learned don’t bet with Two Toe’s

    Learned a Valuable lesson the other day on our way to the Hydraulic pit to metal detect for Gold Nuggets !!! Don't bet with Two Toe's !!!!!!! TM 011
  22. HELP: How to file a placer claim

    Hello, I am somewhat new to prospecting, and I am looking to see if anyone can assist me in understanding the steps to file a a basic placer claim on some gold bearing ground. I am located in Montana. I have looked for those pre-made fill in the blank packets that some states have, however I...
  23. Hello from Montana

    Hello everyone! My name is Mason, and I'm excited to be apart of this forum. I just started gold panning/prospecting the tail end of last season. Looking to use this forum as a learning resource, and to possibly meet new prospectors in my local area. Thanks, and I will see you out there.
  24. Hepplewhite & Son's Explorations - Journal

    Great time out on the Fraser River in BC Saturday, practiced our safe social distancing. This trip was to the famous Kanaka Bar area. Check out our YouTube channel for videos as well. New one coming shortly.!
  25. First Gold

    I take a short trip to the Feather River to find Gold ( First Gold ) of the 2020 season !!! I didn't want to let Gary ( Two Toe's ) get to far ahead on the Gold Count !!!!! Thanks for watching
  26. Pocket Gold

    Pocket Gold !!!!!!
  27. First video and trip of 2020 - South Fraser River area - super fine gold!!!

    Newest video from our first trip of 2020!! Slow start to the year but wow it was sure nice to get out!!! THanks all, great forum!
  28. Connect the dots to find more gold! (How to find sweet BC gold claims)

    Hi everyone. My name is TMLonggun and I've been prospecting and learning about mining companies for most of my life. I made this video about how to easily find your own high quality placer claims in BC. The same methods apply for other areas outside Canada. I found many amazing gold claims...
  29. Lost Gold Reef NSW

  30. Can you prospect for relics on a gold claim?

    Ok so we have determined that any mineral on a claim (gold, silver, metals, and gemstones) are off-limits. But what about relic hunting? The reason I ask is because I am finding old homesteads and cabins on public lands (via google earth) that are very remote but are sitting on gold claims...
  31. Took my daughter exploring / panning ...haha.. INSTEAD OF school..

    Older video, so sorry about the production quality etc. My daughter had a Take your Kid to work day at school, instead I took her prospecting... Love spending time with the family outdoors. Happy Holidays!
  32. Abandoned Gold Mine - Drive By, looking forward to returning after the snow!

    Quick drive by of an abandoned gold mine in British Columbia. Going back in Spring with the detector to check out some out buildings way up the hillside for sure!! This video is from a couple months back so the editing is poor sorry!
  33. Exploring a tough gold claim on the Fraser River in BC, Canada......

    Video from last month! Tough climb in and out, but we got the results and testing we needed!!!
  34. Latest Video - Exploring Sailor Bar BC on the Fraser River for Gold as winter hits!

    Latest video in our adventure series! This one is short, lol.. we ran into some difficulties! THANKS!
  35. Sniping & Crevicing for Gold Nuggets

    Join Prospector's Gary AKA (Two Toe's) and Jeff (Smithsgold) as they embark on another Adventure to find the Mother Lode. Gold Nuggets are there Target and they will work the Bedrock Crevices above and Below the water to find there Treasure. Sniping for Gold underwater is one of my favorite...
  36. Sluice plans? Additional tips?

    Hello everyone, I just recently became interested in prospecting. I don't want to spend the money on a sluice box or highbanker yet because I'm a beginner and I don't want to put a lot of money into something I haven't had much experience with. So I was wondering if anyone knew of some good...
  37. Heading back for more testing!

    Looking forward to return trip this weekend. We had some great test pans on trip #1, this time taking the detector to pin point some larger gold if we can. Happy with our new spot, will post a video in the next few days as well! There is a nice channel running right through the middle of...
  38. False signal still lead to a result!!

    Out exploring one of our gold claims on the Fraser River, we got a good signal in a hole... pulled out a little piece of gold with a finger, but it wasn't the signal... signal was some lead shrapnel of some kind, but we will take it!!! Hope you can see in photo. Check us out on...
  39. Hello! Hepplewhite Explorations is aboard!!!

    Hello all, Glad I found this website, we are prospectors in BC, Canada and although our primary focus is prospecting for gold, we are learning how to use a Garret AT Gold detector and we are looking forward to sharing some finds with you all, plus learning! Thanks a lot ! If anyone else...
  40. Bedrock Gold

    Jeff and Gary ( Two Toes ) take you on an Adventure to find Bedrock Crevices filled with Placer Gold in the California Motherlode. Watch as Gary pulls out Gold Nuggets from the Bedrock and Jeff trys a little Sniping for Gold . SG012
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