
  1. Bounty Hunter Tracker 4 vs Garrett ace 150?

    I have to pick from one. I suppose the Garrett is more of official brand and could potentially be more reliable from its rectangular looks However the performance from Hunter ? Its about 80$ less and money means lot to me right now.
  2. 🙋 WANTED WTB submersible headphones for AT Pro

    How do I remove this thread?
  3. Which is deeper?

    I am having trouble deciding whether to get the Garrett at pro, Teknetics omega 8000, or the Fisher f70. I want something that can get 8-10" + inches on coins and still be able to ID somewhat good. It has to be around the 600$ price range. I do not plan on buying any extra coils, but I am open...
  4. Met up with TrinityAu today for a little MDing. :)

    Met up with TrinityAu today for a little MD'ing. :) Today I met up with TrinityAu for the first time, been meaning to do it for a while now and glad that I did. :) Ray was helping me figure out my GB Pro a bit more and about the geology and mining history in the area that we were hunting...
  5. I finally bought a Metal Detector - Fisher Gold Bug Pro - Unboxing Video inside. :)

    Heya everyone; I finally bought a metal detector last weekend, a Fisher Gold Bug Pro. I may have said that I was not going to buy anything from Fisher because of some things I had heard about their customer service but I changed my mind thanks to the helpful words from TrinityAu. :) All I can...