
  1. South Texas

    I was recommended by another member to post in here! I just got some amazing permissions to bottle hunt last weekend, and permission to go back as I want to. A 52 room hotel (that had a sewage system), the foundations of a doctors house and boarding house, and the remains of several old store...
  2. Privy Help

    Pro: I just probed my first privy, a brick liner! (Edit: I thought it was a brick liner at first, it definitely was not) Con: First three bottles were all ketchup bottles, from around 1930. Found about 3 feet down. Question: I haven’t dug the whole privy, just a little bit down. It seemed that...
  3. early 1800s home site and privy?

    Hey T"netters- any ideas as to age? 1809 half cent (not toasted for sure!) plus a large cent (no pic, Mick dug), Pottery is especially interesting to me. And this must be a privy, correct?? 2nd pic has the 5 ft probe buried to the hilt (cleared the leaves around the depressed approx 3-4 ft...
  4. Outhouses on Sanborn maps?

    This might be a dumb question, but are outhouses sometimes labeled on Sanborn fire insurance maps? I came across a few maps (see attached) from 1903 and 1915 that show my house (labeled with a "D" for dwelling) as well as a structure of some sort off to the west on my property. I think the...
  5. I Found Privy Need Help With Excavation. in Spring City Pennsylvania 19475

    Hello My name is Anthony I Found Privy Need Help With Excavation. in Spring City Pennsylvania 19475 . I starting digging only one foot and found coke bottle. The privy is behind my warehouse . I stopped digging after a foot.Is there anyone out there that can help me with this project. And can I...
  6. My First Privy Dig

    Hey Y'all, I thought I'd share my first privy dig with you guys, from October 23rd, 2015. Since I shared that repaired transferware pitcher with you I might as well show you what else I found that day. One thing I do regret is not taking enough pictures. But I was having so much fun that I...
  7. ABM Bottle ?

    I have this bottle and do not know the history but it is unlike any other bottle I have seen. It has a wavy-bumpy texture and wavy seems that ends at the base of lip and then 90 degrees it reapears on the lip further towards the top and mouth seems to be for a cork. Thick base and emerald green...
  8. ABM Bottle ?

    Hello out there I am new to this site and would like to start with a pic of some bottles I recovered in the river this past summer in Alderson W.V.
  9. If Youre In Brooklyn/Manhattan You Might Have Bottles In Your Yard!

    If You're In Brooklyn/Manhattan You Might Have Bottles In Your Yard! Im mike (chinchillaman1 on youtube) Im a bottle digger / collector. I made this post to inform those living in or around the 5 boroughs of new york that you may potentially have a bunch of bottles buried in your yard! In the...
  10. Red Glass Mystery

    I have been excavating a privy in my back yard for several months and yesterday I discovered my first two pieces of red glass. Judging by the other glass and pottery I have found at the same level, I believe that these pieces are circa the 1800s. When I located the pieces in the soil they were...
  11. Calling All Privy Experts!

    There are two old home site locations within walking distance from my house, both of which are in fairly dense woods.One site dates back to the 1830's and the other, all the way back to 1715. I am trying to determine where the privies might be for these two sites. I have a 5' spring steel probe...
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