pottery and points

  1. Wide variety of pottery shard types and manufacturing styles

    Hello, I recently identified a site in Central Brazil with hundreds (more probably thousands) of ceramic shards of the most varied pottery and manufacturing styles. Below (attached) are some photos (macro - 23 x 23 square cm) and light microscope details (micro - some few square mm) with temper...
  2. Completely Intact Lenape Clay Vessel

    Hello. This is my first post to this forum. Nice to meet you all. I found a completely intact Lenape pottery vessel. I scouted an undeveloped wooded lot nearby and determined where the brook flowed before it was redirected to accomodate the housing development. After finding a dipped path that...
  3. I wanted it too much

    I typically dont hunt in creek beds but this weekend I did. A lot of you seem to have some good luck with it and this area has produced a wide range of artifacts before. I found possibly the most eroded sherd of pottery in my collection so far and flake waste which is all fine and dandy but its...