
  1. Broken Quartz Clovis Maybe?? Opinions appreciated

  2. Arrowheads and spear identification

    Hi I'm new to this treasure hunting and would love to know if what I think I'm finding is legit or not. These are all from our farm in NW Georgia. The longer ones on the bottom row I seem to find a lot of these and wondered what they are used for. Then the one by the fork also not sure if this...
  3. Good call

    Pretty windy today, and it’s my brothers birthday. It was already starting to get dark after 5pm as thicker clouds continue to move in. Towards the end of our errand spree around town, we head to Walmart as the last stop. My brother asks if we could drop him off at a bookstore on the way...
  4. What period?

    I've scratched my head on this one and can't come to a certain conclusion. Does anyone know what period this is from? It's 4.5". I'm thinking late-woodland or later. Been looking through projectilepoints.net and can't find an answer. Found in Bath Co., Virginia. Thanks in advance.
  5. Day maker and heart breaker points today

    A broken Fredrick point and a nice Samantha dart point that I found near Bill Wyoming
  6. Inherited possible native artifacts, axes, adze..?

    Hi everyone, thanks in advance your help with these. My grandpa left pails of rocks in his garage when he passed, which after some investigation over the years I’m thinking might be native artifacts? Doing some spring cleaning so I decided to finally clean them up and snap some pictures to...
  7. New here. What do you make of these stone items I have found?

    Hello everybody. I just found out about this forum and it's like a dream come true. I just spent a a couple hours browsing and thought I'd post some items I've found. I'm a long time collector but am relatively new to searching for treasures in the woods and riverbeds. Here's an album with...
  8. Point or knife identification

    Hello, We were fortunate enough to find these 3 items along the Missouri River near St Louis MO. We are hoping someone can help us identify what type they are. Thank You!
  9. Help me identify this relic!

    I found this odd brass relic near Charlotte, NC. i have no clue what it could be. Anybody have any ideas?
  10. Lecroy point?

    Found this today along the Nottoway river in VA...Lecroy?
  11. Spear Head

    Ok this is one of the best things I've ever found, even better than another gold ring in my book. What's more shocking was I found it while metal detecting in the front yard of the home where I grew up, roughly 20 feet from the front door. I wasn't even there to dig I just decided to give it a...
  12. Finally, something interesting...

    No way?!? What's this, something other than pottery shards? Thats not to say pottery isn't interesting, but I prefer artifacts made from rocks. lol It's nothing special compared to what some of you guys dig up, but I'll take what I can get. Its a beautiful material and both sides have been...
  13. Arrowhead Hunting Question..

    Have y'all ever found a point that was broken and then found the other half nearby? I ask because a lot of what I find (especially in plowed fields) have been broken and I'm wondering if it's even worth looking around in the same area for the other piece?
  14. Clovis maybe, eyeballed while metal detecting.

    Eyeballed this while metal detecting I picked it up thinking it was some sharp glass then did a double take on seeing the chipped stone. One of my friends thinks its a possible Clovis , don't know that much about points myself. Any input is appreciated, thanks !
  15. I wanted it too much

    I typically dont hunt in creek beds but this weekend I did. A lot of you seem to have some good luck with it and this area has produced a wide range of artifacts before. I found possibly the most eroded sherd of pottery in my collection so far and flake waste which is all fine and dandy but its...
  16. My First and Only Native American Artifact

    Found this about ten years ago in a mole hill, a couple miles away from where the Cowlitz River spills into the Columbia River. It's extremely small, and as you can see it is an agate. I imagine it was probably used to hunt small game due to its small size. I don't have any idea on the age, and...
  17. Point ID help

    I've been trying to find out what I have here on the bottom left, and the bottom right. The latter looks like it could have been some type of knife? Any suggestions? Also found this small arrowhead (about the size of a quarter) last week.. :happy3: All found in NC...
  18. Mystery Spear Point

    I have this amazing spear point - but I don't have any info on it (including value). Can anyone help? Thanks!
  19. Lousy weather...but it was worth it!

    It was cold today, but my dad and I managed to find a few whole points. I only got one In-situ photo, because most of them were obscured and not definitive until we tugged on them. Anyways, the one I got was of a little beauty.
  20. Rutz Clovis

    Hello all! I've been asked to post a thread regarding an item in my possession called the Rutz Clovis, my family is in the process of deciding what to do with the piece and we're looking for information since we've basically not a clue where to start besides some old letters from Gramly, among...
  21. Rutz Clovis

    My family and I have recently decided to look into what to do with the Rutz Clovis point, as far as I've been able to gather there is only one Clovis point bigger (that is, of the same length but slightly wider) that was found, but it seems that there is a bit of disagreement as to whether the...
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