
  1. Copper pin: outline from Scandinavia?

    Found this pin while metal detecting in a yard with early 1900s artifacts. Lots of Norwegians and Swedes up here in these parts, but I can’t match the shape to anything there, even counties. Any idea of what nation this might be? Perhaps even a specific country or island in Scandinavia?
  2. What Does SEL 23 stand for?

    This little Sterling Silver Pin was recovered on November 3rd, 2019 down in Brooklyn, Mississippi. I have been unable to determine what "SEL 23" stands for and am hoping that some of y'all can shed some light..... Note: This was recovered not far from Camp Shelby, and there was also a Civilian...
  3. What Does it Say?

    I recovered this Pin in Petal, Mississippi today and cannot figure out what it says on it. I'm sure it will be easy for some of y'all... Also years of production would be great... The group pic is for size reference...
  4. Would like to know what years this New Amsterdam Casualty Company Pin was used....

    This pin was recovered in Petal, Mississippi on Tuesday 10.10.2017... It is a New Amsterdam Casualty Compnay's 4 Year Safe Driver Award... Anyone know what years these pins were used? The group picture is for size reference. It also says on the back Award Incentives Inc. NYC
  5. ✅ SOLVED What do the initials on this Stand For? Is it a Pin or Button?

    I recovered this earlier today(10.05.2017) in Petal, Mississippi and am curious as to what the initials stand for and if it is a Pin, Button, or something else... As always Thanks Y'all...
  6. ✅ SOLVED Need Help Indentifying this Aluminum Piece.

    OK, I am hoping someone can help me figure out what this is... It is made from aluminum and measures 1 5/16" across and has no makers marks on the back. It appears to have had something attached to it right across the middle and I was thinking a Pin like to attach it to your lapel, but that is...
  7. Unknown medal/pin/isigne

    Does anyone know what for medal/pin/isigne this is?
  8. Old Family Pin

    This has been passed down from one generation to the next in my family, and no one knows anything about it. I have searched all over the web and and have found nothing even close to what it is or mean,a friend of mine told me to try here. It looks like it is made out of brass and my family...
  9. ✅ SOLVED Brass Item--Part of a Pin or Medal? Military? Civilian? Mass 1683 property

    Hi all, we dug this brass item yesterday. About 1.5" long. Can't quite find anything like it online. Any ideas? Note the hole in its side--not made by someone trying to hang it as a locket, but forged when the item was made (as you can see by the homing on the underneath). In the group photo...
  10. It was a good weekend

    My wife went out of town to do some shopping for our kids school cloths so I dropped the kids off with their grandma and went digging. My first stop after dropping off the kids was at a museum that used to be a county courthouse. I'd hunted it briefly in the past but all I found was clad. Armed...
  11. Civil war hat pin? Insignia?

    I dug this pin looking relic from a civil war site in North Carolina and I have no idea what it is. Maybe it's civil war? I don't know. Anything helps! Thanks :)
  12. Nazi Party 14k gold pin?? Need help...

    So yeah, found what I believe to be a Nazi Party gold pin yesterday at the park. Gorgeous pin. But I flipped it over to discover it was engraved "SS" with the date of 12-31-33. I know 1933 was a big year for the Nazis. It's a little chilling to think this pin could be celebrating the killing of...
  13. Sterling pin possible military link

    I found this little gem about 7" down in a field where I only find WWI-WWII items it's got a sterlin stamp on the back flint lock design over an 8shaped platform with what looks like black enamel
  14. Unidentified WWII Japanese Pin?

    This was in some of my Dad's military items that he had from WWII. A loose translation of the Asian (Japanese & Chinese) given to me by a Japanese friend. Big time hunter or Hunting big time. The reverse has no markings or inscriptions. The pin has a screw back.
  15. Nokta RS Pinpointer unboxing and mini-review

    Heya everyone; Here is a video that I made of the Nokta RS Pinpointer. It's an unboxing video so that you guys can get a better idea of what comes in the box, how to use it and what it sounds like (including the vibration mode.) It is also a mini-review about it and my feelings. This is a...
  16. CTO 10K Wings and Horse Pin

    Hi everyone, My grandmother passed away last week and as I was going through her jewelry, I found this pin. I think the cTo on the back means O.C Tanner but I could be wrong. Where is this pin from and what does it mean? Thanks for the help. - Joanna
  17. Interesting Pin

    I went detecting at a ballpark with a friend when I found it. The thing read as a dollar coin on the BH QuickDraw II, but I believe it's made of copper, because the oxidized metal is a greenish color. It looks like there used to be a pin on the back as well. The design on the rear is...
  18. Civil war state badge? Medal? Firefighter related? MD Find PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

    Found this metal detecting! Says TENNESSEE it's brass with patina! Could it be from the civil war? Firefighter medal? Please help! Not sure what I've got!
  19. cTo 10K gold plated pin with ruby

    Hello my brothers Today i found some teasure in my garden ,i think its a label pin.i cleared it ,and i saw a very small symbols 10 K 10V.I am very excitet,but i dont know how it came to my garden, where does it came from?! Can you help me? Thanks !:) Sorry for my english,i´am amateur student
  20. Shield Button & Republica Mexicana Mystery Items Found In Cape Cod

    These are some relics that were found on a site that dates back to the 1780's. I was wondering how old both finds date back to and what the history is behind each of them. I've seen "Republica Mexicana" coins online with the same face but this one doesn't have a back. It even has a rigid border...
  21. What are these 10k pins from?

    I acquired these pins. They are marked on the back 10k with 3 more letters but I cant make them all out. Anyone have any idea what they are from or represent, and if they have any value. Any info is much appreciated.
  22. NS Meyer New York - Sterling Wing Pin - WWII?

    I bought this sterling wing pin for $2.00. I believe it's from WWII. Its stamped "sterling" and NS Meyer New York. Its 3 inches from wing to wing. The pin opens up about less than half of the way. Does anyone know if this is an authentic piece of WWII? Any info would be appreciated! !
  23. Musket balls, bullet spill & a Military hat pin [?].. best hunt to date

    Today I had the whole morning to myself so I decided to head back to a hunting spot that I found last year... This is only the 3rd time I've been there and each time I've only had one goal in mind and that is to find at least 1 musket ball... The first couple of hunts produced just a few but...
  24. ✅ SOLVED Button or Pin? How old?

    Found this the other day and am unsure if its a button or a pin and have no clue how old it may be. It has a circumference of 1.5 inches
  25. HELP!!! Pendleton Oregon Pre Round up memerobilia?

    These Brass Ballarina on the moon pins were found in storage, They say 1900 Souvenier, Street fair and harvest carnival, Pendleton Oregon Sept 18-22. we cant find any information on them anywhere other than the packaging they came in was from Schwabb stamp and seal co out of Milwaukee. Does any...
  26. 9th Infantry Regiment Badge...

    Naturegirl and i were mding in the backyard today and dug this U.S.military badge/pin. It's 1"x1" and has a screwback.Maybe from the 20s or 30s? buckshot
  27. 9th Infantry Regiment ...

    Hey all, Naturegirl and i was mding in the my backyard today and dug this 9th Infantry Regiment badge/pin. It's a screwback. Maybe dates from the 1920s or 30s? This particular regiment has had a long military history and record of service. If anyone can add more info. Please feel free to do so...
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