
  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Unidentified pictographs and symbols on and out of place stone I found in Minnesota.

    Does the story of how I found this rock. I hope that this is some sort of a treasure map diagram that someone who made it created so that they wouldn't forget where they're loot was buried or to help somehow in in relation to the buried treasure. And then in my perfect world scenario I posted on...
  2. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Anyone know what it is or what it means?

    I found this pre-COVID and Stearns county Minnesota while looking for agates. Anybody recognizes this or has seen or found anything similar knows what it says or could help you read it. Simply put I found this rock, and brought it home purely cuz of its shape. Months later after cleaning it I...
  3. Never before

    I've been hunting native American artifacts my whole life. I can honestly say that I have never personally sold one nor bought any. Which i think is why im fortuneate to find the stuff I do. Recently I stopped by a place in northwest Georgia which is where I'm from. While exploring I notice a...
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