
  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Need help identifying old phone please

    Hello, My name is Bobby Derusseau and I live in Pace, Florida in the USA. Many years ago I bought something that I thought was unique, but did not know what it was. I am hopeful that someone will be able to identify it. It is some kind of communication devise. The box is made of wood and it has...
  2. Bought an Old 13lb Phone with a Crank - My New Phone Number is 14703 x 3 short rings.

    This morning, I bought an old phone that sits on a wood box with a crank. The box and phone have a cord that attaches them together. The box has nice details- dovetail fitting and brass hinge. The handset is "Western Electric, USA, F1W" but I didn't find a mark on the phone body. The handset...
  3. North Padre Island find opportunity

    Hey all! I dropped my phone on Port Arnansas beach a week ago. It fell out of my pocket very close to Caldwell Pier in Port Arnansas, Texas. When I went back that night to look for it it was already covered by sand and unfindable with my eyeballs. If anyone is interested in doing a little...
  4. Abandoned Copper Telecom Lines

    I have been researching but not finding much available about removing abandoned telephone lines from the ground. I have been a locator for years, and know where miles of copper lines have been abandoned due to upgrading to fiber optics. A 900 pair of telephone trunk lines weigh about 4 lbs per...
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