
  1. Good teen-friendly places in eastern PA?

    My mate and I spent a summer CITing at a camp together, and after finding a bunch of weird old stuff there over the years (such as fancy spoons spoons and the ruins of an old tire swing set), we decided we wanted to get into detector treasure hunting. He lives in Lancaster County, and I live...
  2. Researching an engraved Revolutionary War powder horn

    So I'm always searching for different treasures whether it's digging them from the ground or browsing the local classifieds and I've just acquired something I'm pretty excited about. This powder horn is to date the most fascinating Revolutionary War artifact I've come across and my reason for...
  3. Places to MD near Philadephia

    Hello all, I recently moved into Philly(Fishtown) and have little experience in MD. I have not found ANY places to go so far as it is illegal to MD in the city parks. I googled some old posts and most people in this area go to the north of Delaware river or old farms/towns in the far west. I...
  4. Bullet found in eastern PA

    I found this bullet earlier today in some recently upturned soil near Philadelphia, PA. I believe it is a .22lr(?), but was wondering if anyone has some further insight into it, particularly a rough date. Thanks!
  5. Philadelphia along Delaware River Map 1850s

  6. Philadelphia Glass

    Hi Fellow hunters, I'm looking for a decent bottle hunting spot around Philadelphia. They don't even need to produce whole bottles, I can use the glasses for an art project i'm working on. The old colored bottles are really neat so that's what i'm after. Anyone know a spot and want a hunting...
  7. ✅ SOLVED I found a 1983(P) quarter in amazing condition!

    So I was rummaging around some miscellaneous coins around my house, and I found this gem of a coin! :hello2: At first I thought nothing of it, but I had recalled seeing an article online saying that the 1983(P) quarter could be worth up to 2,000$. Personally I am a bit skeptic of this article...
  8. City center Philadelphia ???

    Hi very one I'll be heading to downtown Philadelphia soon and will be there till Xmas. Curious if anyone can give me any info about detecting in the downtown area parks. Even better if there's anyone in the city that would like to go hunting or turn me on to some good locations. Any info would...
  9. American Button Co.

    (SOLVED) American Button Co. Hello everyone, Was out on a hunt yesterday, Stardate -306822.70966150577, and found a button from American Button Co. I am having difficulty determining the year in which the button was manufactured. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I know the seal...
  10. I am a newbie from Philly

    Hello all, I am new to MDing and wanted to say hello. Anyone from Philadelphia? Looking for people to dig with or get advice on areas to check out. Thanks, Pete
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