petrified wood

  1. Help! What is this on petrified wood???

    I have been rock hounding for > Than a year so Im not the best @ figuring out what Exactly it is that I bring home lol I just keep the pretty,unusual,and ones that ? speak to me? so I?m hope n that someone can tell me what has formed on this piece of petrified wood that I have collected ......thanks
  2. What is it Corprolite or Petrified Wood?

    My grandpa use to help me identify my finds this and my previous post shows the two we were working on identifying when he died in July. I thought I should continue what we started. The first he thought was a diamond based on our tests. He thought this (shown in attachment) was corprolite...
  3. Petrified Wood Slab

    Hello! This is a piece of pet wood from my grandpa's collection, which I have inherited. Think the actual plant fossil is the agatized middle and the outer green material is a fossilized matrix of some sort. I believe it's from either Arizona, Nevada, or Oregon, knowing my grandpa and where he...
  4. Petrified wood and some sort of stone tool

    Hi there, I'm wondering if someone could help with a couple things. I was searching for petrified wood just south of Ellensburg, WA and ended up finding quite a bit. When I went home and washed it all, I realized a few pieces were some sort of stone tool. I'm just wondering if anyone knows the...
  5. ✅ SOLVED Crystallization on petrified wood

    Have a few samples of this liquid looking crystal that is on some petrified wood near navasota river
  6. River Rock Finds - Identification Help?

    Found these two rocks today! This first one is just a normale quartz rock but I thought the way to quartz looked was really neat. It reminds me of a black & white tree frond. And on the other side is a swirl pattern. But the coolest find was this one! It looks to have an extremely clear white...
  7. Does anyone have any Petrified wood?

    Hello, Im looking for some petrified wood,I'm a Wood Worker and I'm making a special pen for my dad for him graduating with his masters degree, Im having a hard time locating a piece of petrified wood with the thickness that is needed to make a pen, I know that petrified wood isn't actually...
  8. Help identify this find, possibly petrified wood with crinoid imprint?

    I'm having trouble remembering where this came from. I have to refer to my notes but I thought i'd see if anyone recognized what it could be in the short term. Thank you very much, any help is appreciated!
  9. Road Side Find: 1 Common & 1 Uncommon

    Just a few Images of some of the stones I find while walking to and from the Library.. Image: Common limestone (Host Stone) with well formed crystal noduals.. Image: Very Uncommon Find.. This petrified Wood has turned opalized in some areas..