
  1. C572661C-F668-4A38-9A19-EB4777596C4F.jpeg


    Help me identify please
  2. More weird wood from cape disappointment forest / ocean intersect

    I do not know what is going on here or what it has been through but this was a few rocks up and it had weird cuts and carvings , is obviously old and I think where I found it is where kids go hide to chug the beers they stole from the cooler.
  3. Please help me identify this fossil / bone

    This is another part of the collection I found while clearing an estate. It was in Seattle,Wa. Any information you have would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help.
  4. Please help identify this fossil? Bone?

    I found a small collection of very old bones and some fossils while clearing an estate in Seattle, Wa. Please help me identify what this bone is from. I will post some of the other items I found in another post here. I would like to find out how old it may be and what type of animal or...
  5. Unknown fossilized teeth

    Found this tooth and these other shards of bone or tooth (still not sure) on a river bed in Oklahoma. Can anyone help identify them?
  6. Fossil / Agate ID Very strange petrified fossils? Bone?

    These were found 30 miles South-East of Prescott, AZ. The Locality is Know for Early Neolithic Mammalian fossils. I didn't make it down to the valley where they were supposed to be, although I started picking up scattered agates and chalcedony. Upon arriving home I lightly cleaned and cut some...
  7. Need help identifying

    Looking for some knowledge behind these two rocks. Maybe nothing super cool, but a new type for me to find! Not sure what either are. Thanks for looking!!
  8. petrified or fosselized earthworm.

    I found this fossilized earth worm last year.. love this it's fun one to share
  9. Yellow petrified wood looking rock?

    My dad and I have a spot we like to go to where we find a ton of Septarian Nodules as well as these yellow rocks. We can't figure out what these are, as they sort of look like wood, but they're the wrong color to be petrified wood and are fragile and like to crumble apart if you're not careful...
  10. Is this petrified wood?

    My dad and I have a spot we like to go to where we find a ton of Septarian Nodules as well as these yellow rocks. We can't figure out what these are, as they sort of look like wood, but they're the wrong color to be petrified wood and are fragile and like to crumble apart if you're not careful...
  11. Petrified Agate?

    Any thoughts on what this might be? It was found in the arizona desert...
  12. Shoerock?????

    I found this in the nv desert in a wash wall it was bout 20 ft under dirt it's bout 4 in long n 2 in wide n bout 2 in tall I was gonna take it to unlv to thier rock identify but it's summer n no classes till mid September so I really wood like someone to b able to look at it so if u no n e one...
  13. Need help identifying a Rock I found

    Hello everyone, I found this Little Rock on my property in Texas while I was gardening, anyone have an idea of what it is?
  14. Need help identifying a Rock I found

    Hello everyone, I found this Little Rock on my property in Texas while I was gardening, anyone have an idea of what it is?
  15. Pertrified wood with tool marks?

    Hey gang! My wife and I bought our property about 10 yrs ago here in Spokane. We have a 115 yr old house, and we own the lot behind us. It was the first house put in on this block, so they never out an alley in. I have time finally to get our property clear. Come a long ways. Our plan is to buy...
  16. Petrified Wood? Tooth? Bone? What Say You?

    Found this. Not sure if it is wood, bone, or a tooth? When I look under a microscope, I think I see veins running lengthwise. But then, maybe it's my warped imagination. What's your guess? Thx!
  17. Fossil mastodon tusk or tree branch?

    Hello, I've been a member here for years and really enjoyed it, but I don't think I've ever posted before. I'm hoping your knowledge of all things old will help finally give a positive ID to this item. This has been in my family since at least the 1950's, collected by my grandmother who made a...
  18. "StoneMan": Petrified/Fossillized - Head/Skull or ...?

    Found this item a few years ago down the road a piece, over the creek bed, hiding in plain sight. Have had lots of fun with it including taking photos, writing a song about it and making a youtube video.:laughing7: Rather than me posting a link, look up StoneMan Mystery 2 on the youtube site...
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