
  1. Who says legends of Spanish (Inca?) lost mines aren't real?

    This Project started through curious circumstances way back in 1998. Dr. Keith Barron was on a field leave from a job in Venezuela and enrolled in a Spanish language school in Quito and lodged with Professor Octavio Latorre and family. Professor Latorre is a Historian, Archivist and world...
  2. Ancient Peruvian artifacts

    Hi All I am new to this forum and am looking for assistance in identifying and evaluating some cool artifacts my wife and i recently found. After searching the internet we found that the artifacts are probably from my wife's late father's visit to Peru in the 80's. I think we have: 9 Tumis...
  3. Lost City Literature

    ​Lost City Literature I just started reading Douglas Preston’s Lost City of the Monkey God (2017) and he discusses John Lloyd Stephens’ excellent two volume Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan (1841) - “perhaps the most interesting travel book ever published” (Edgar...
  4. Inca Treasure -

    Three hundred years have not sufficed to eradicate the notion that enormous treasures are concealed within the Fortress; nor have three hundred years of excavation, more or less constant, entirely discouraged the searchers for tapadas. In making our surveys of the work and of the Rodadero many...
  5. Anceint grave textile dolls

    I got these and they seem to be authentic Peruvian textile dolls. Any thoughts?
  6. Help with strange Spanish COB

    Hello, I'm new here, I need some help with this Peruvian/ Spanish COB that I bought last year in Cuzco, Peru. The coin pass the silver test. It weights 8.83 grams and one of the sides of the triangle measures 1 inch, thanks in advance, Alex
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