
  1. Bucket list detecting request for KY trip!

    Greetings and thank you in advance. I’ve been detecting Colorado with historical emphasis for a couple years now. A favorite has been discovering the Overland trail. I have a trip planned for Lexington area next week. Kentucky sure has some amazing history. It’s been a dream of mine to hunt a...
  2. Knocking on somebody's door and asking for permission to detect

    Today I drove around in a neighborhood thinking about which house I should start at in terms of asking permission to metal detect. I didn't know where to start so I just parked along the curb in front of one house. I knocked on their door. Initially they were looking out the window clearly...
  3. How to properly ask for permission

    This may seem like a dumb question. However, I’ve never done it before. This is all new to me. There are some historic home in my area, and I would love to ask permission to hunt there. Could someone be so kind as to explain: 1. The right way to ask a property owner. 2. Any specific things to...
  4. Any fellow detectorists in or near Enfield Connecticut?

    I'm trying to get info on the laws/permission requirements for detecting at schools and playgrounds in town. Town Hall not particularly helpful.
  5. What to do with these damn LLC properties!?!?

    Hey everybody, I'm curious as to how you all deal with these shenanigans. You're out driving around, looking for likely locations for old homesteads. As you approach, you see the GIGANTIC OAKS, an old Chimney but nothing else, old fence posts, etc. You think to yourself, "THAT'S THE SPOT!" You...

    I was wondering if old houses in the country turn out much silver and good finds or if i should stick to old homes in town i got a permission from a family friend the house is at least over a 143 years old because i found the house on a 1874 map but the house is all by itself in the country with...
  7. South San Diego Detectorist aquaintances wanted . . . I have Permissions !

    :usflag: Is your park hunted out ? Tot-lots boring ? Well dust off that Metal Detector you got for the Christmas of 1999 and put it to work ! You guys and gals that work Central , Coastal and possibly North County too.... I have Permissions in historic areas ripe with artifacts and possibly...
  8. Get Permission

    How do you'll go about getting permission to search a farm? I ask because most of the farms in my area do not have a house on them where a land owner would live. How do you contact the land owner or do you just not search a farm if the property owner doesn't live there?
  9. What are the federal laws in USA regarding finding a buried coin cache?

    I will not hold anyone liable for anything if their answer isn't in complete alignment with the current federal laws and regulations, I just want some perspective. Say I get permission to dig on someone's property and I find a buried cache. Say I signed a written agreement with the landowner...
  10. Telling the Story? How to Approach and Ask Permission ???

    Hi Everyone, Just a quick question. How would you ask permission to MD on someone's land that they own, but is at another location form their house. Would you ask in person or over the phone? In both cases it's a bit odd to say, "Hey I looked up this land in a GIS database and know that...
  11. Hello from Missouri!

    I stumbled upon the group while doing research. I am drafting a proposal to allow MD in my little town of Oak Grove, MO.
  12. Requesting permission

    Hello Treasurenet! I am new to and new to the metal detecting hobby. I am currently in Colorado and I really want to metal detect areas near me. My question is, how should I request permission from a property owner? I'm pretty sure it needs to be written on...
  13. Mobile area beaches? Any chance to hunt ?

    I will be in Mobile next week for the bowl game. I won't have much time but would love to at least swing a coil on a beach before returning to the frozen North. My only chance will probably be Monday, January 6. I can't wonder too far from Mobile but wondered if there is a beach I could hit...
  14. Permissions to MD from Commercial Companies?

    Hi Guys, I'm pretty new to this but have identified a few sites that are interesting targets for MD'ing, but according to government records, they are all owned by a commercial (land ownership) company. They are undeveloped right now, but I have reason to believe based on old maps that the...
  15. Finally a place to search...and a few keepers.

    The place I started to metal detect Saturday but then got rained out from has no one occupying it now(all the students are leaving at this time of year), so couldn't ask for permission to look again. Knocked on 11 other doors on and around 2nd & Fess (here in Bloomington IN)trying to find a...
  16. OLD & VACANT Property Metal Detecting Tool

    THIS IS FOR DETECTORISTS IN THE USA I don't want to step on any toes by posting a link on this forum (got warned in the past), but I will tell you that there is an EXCELLENT search tool if you google: "Steve's Old, Vacant Property Metal Detecting Tool" The page should come up #1 or #2 on a...
  17. Any freak outs or trouble makers!?

    So this might sound strange but has anyone ever gotten their butts chewed for detecting someplace? I have only been at this for two years and I have never really left my own private properties but I am looking forward to getting out there and asking permission and hitting public places. So, does...
  18. Having trouble gaining Permission

    Hi.I have a lot of fields beside me that would probobally bring up very interesting things,but the problem is,we havent the first clue who owns them?There is only one field that has a "trespassers will be prosecuted" sign and obviously i daren't go in there.But all other fields don't have a...
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