park detecting

  1. Found Oldest Coin yet (1852) at a New Site

    I found new site at the park the other day where a home site was located from an 1859 map. I had tried to locate the site couple times before but with no luck. I finally found it. I found an 1860 IH with a square nail hole through it along with an old pin and small gold plated ring a couple...
  2. Please Help ID My Find

    I recently dug this ornate piece from a local park....a park with some age.....though have no idea what it might be. First impression out of the ground was a copper t-joint though during the clean up I noticed all the detail coming through. Also, inside the piping, what appeared to be mud was...
  3. I need some tips from the pros!

    Hey there everyone! My name is Mark and I'm new to this forum community and I have taken a great interest in treasure hunting ever since I watched youtube videos of people finding rings, rare coins, and jewelry. I'm particularly interested in shallow water treasure hunting. I don't have any...
  4. first silver!!!!!!!!!!!!! found today at the park /elementary school plus other finds

    today i found my first silver ring at an elementary with my garret ace 250 and i also found this cool money clip/golf tool and a cool little metal horny toad at the park p.s i live in las cruces nm and the ring has.925 and CHINA on the inside
  5. Metal Detecting: Central Park

    Come along with me while I detect Central Park. This video contains a lot of live digs. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for watching.
  6. I got kicked out of a park yesterday. Friendly Ranger, Un-friendly Park System!

    So here's my 1st post & I'm already complaining. Went out to Olympia Lakes yesterday. Was there about 1/2 hour & a nice ranger came up & kicked me out. "Sorry, your not allowed to metal detect here". Apparently, Burlington County park system has taken over the area & their rule on metal...

    I think I am going to take the Garrett AT and try my luck at a few local parks, there is one in particular that i believe is old. up till now i have only Beach hunted and want to try coin shooting as low tide only happens twice a day and doesn't always fall into my work schedule, any tips from...
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