
  1. PGM pricing, artificial inflation?

    Good afternoon treasure hunters. anyone who watches the PGM market knows its a fickle thing, we had some (relatively) recent all time lows on platinum, palladium, and rhodium, which has begun to recover to near pre-pandemic levels. its my opinion that people are seeing PGM start to rise, they...
  2. Treasure from scrap cars

    Hello all, i wanted to share with everyone here who may not know this..... Scrap catalytic converters are worth a ton of money. while i dont exactly know what the best cars are to find them on i do know that the prius, certain Fords, and certain Honda catalytic converters are 600 - 1300$+. I...
  3. Palladium in Quartzo Feldspathic Gneiss ?

    Hi all, Im a new member here. Recently we purchased a land which had lot of rocks. Got it tested from Geologist and he said its fully of Quartzo Feldspathic Gneiss rock. Also gave samples for XRD testing and the graph peak indicates Palladium Zinc. Does it mean this rock has palladium content...
  4. Help ID'ing Nuggets found Metal Detecting River Bed

    Hello everybody less than a week old to metal detecting so bear with me. So I was out on my second ever metal detecting trip with my new Garrett AT Gold and found two nuggets 5 feet apart 4-6 inches down in the gravel bed of my favorite river. Both nuggets were found in an area where Silver and...
  5. Need Help To Identify Todays Find

    Need Help To Identify Today's Find I found this today detecting out on a claim. Made the Gold Bug scream. It's a beast of a rock, 5.5oz. When I scratch the black surface off it appears silver. It is not magnetic. Is it silver? Palladium or Platinum would be much nicer :headbang:
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