
  1. Post the most random things you have found while out in the middle of the woods 🌲 🌲 🌲

    Starting this thread for those random things you have come across while out in the middle of the woods. Stuff that just doesn’t belong there. Could be stuff growing into trees, massive sites out of place, random people you came across in the middle of nowhere, vehicles, homemade structures or...
  2. ✅ SOLVED Some sort of meat hook?

    Hi guys, I dug this up earlier today near my grandmothers homestead, roughly 5 inches underground. It gave off an iron signal so I am taking an educated guess and saying that it is made of iron. Very rusty and the two prongs seem to be different lengths. The object is roughly 6 inches long...
  3. layered rock

    I found this rok about 3 years ago on a beach in Ayr, Scotland. It has a few interesting layers within the rock and I'm looking for help to identify whats going on with it!
  4. Is this some sort of artifact, its quite an odd rock.

    I used to collect rocks when I was younger, but for some reason I have always held on to this little mystery for all of these years. The rock is perfectly round and it seems to me that it is in fact a rock inside of a rock! Because of the color change of the crescent and round shapes. The...
  5. New member, odd story

    First off I would like to say a big HELLO to everyone here! you guys have always been my go-to source for anything related to metal detecting and have never let me down. I'd like to start off by telling you all about my encounter with a dead body in a park... Not the best way to introduce myself...