ocean city

  1. Help find my wedding band ocean city md

    I was married in 2010 and had custom made rings for me and my spouse. During a trip to ocean city md in 2011/2012 I was splashing in the ocean when my band flew off and plunged into the murky ocean water. My husband and a man that witnessed the tragedy searched for hours, but it was gone. If...
  2. Found at Coin Beach DE, Old or new?

    I found this ?piece of ceramic? After spending 2 hours on the beach. The coin is just there to show size. The piece is light and has smooth edges. It's not polished but dull, and feels almost like a chalk consistency. Any idea on how to tell if its old or not? I was hoping to find a coin but...
  3. Update on the ECRDA hunt, May 18 & 19, 2013

    The East Coast Research and Discovery Association (ECRDA) is pleased to announce that early registration for its 2013 hunt has been extended through the end of February. "Four at the Shore" is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday -- May 18 & 19, 2013 -- in family-friendly Ocean City NJ. (A lot of...