oak island money pit

  1. The Untold Story of Oak Island that needs to be told- a missing map, fort, and more.

    Is this the reason and the person responsible for the stone road on Oak Island? This is a major story about the untold link to Oak Island that I think needs to be explored. It involves a missing map, a missing fort, an unknown church or lands owned by the nuns of the Hotel Dieu, and missing...
  2. ThinkAbout It

    The brothers have a good thing going. If folks like Mel Fisher thought about this would they have announced so soon? It is pretty obvious based on evidence inNew England and on Oak Island that Templar’s arrived maybe 200 years before Columbus and even prior to Basque fishermen. People do not...
  3. Oak Island 'reality' show - Bogus adventure IMO

    The so called Oak Island 'reality' show has turned into a boardwalk barker, drag it out as long as possible, bogus adventure that will produce nothing at the so called target depths being touted. That's because there is nothing there to find. I now believe the whole story is based on untruths...
  4. Blue Lips Blankenship Sniffing Wood

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