nugget hunting

  1. Drone Gold Prospecting Using a Drone to find more Placer Gold Nuggets

    Drone Gold Prospecting : Using a Drone to find more Placer Gold Nuggets Click here for Video while looking for new Prospects with Gary @Two Toes and his Drone we noticed a high bench and a push zone ( area where the Gravels get pushed up onto the Bedrock during times of high water )...
  2. Bedrock detecting for Placer Gold Nuggets

    Bedrock detecting for Placer Gold Nuggets Click here for Video Me and Gary @Two Toes and Hugo head to the Hills in search of Gold Nuggets along the creek. Both Gary and Hugo are armed with there Minelab SDC 2300's and I'm using Gary's White's TDI on this trip. We dig up plenty of targets...
  3. Bedrock Crevice Detecting on the Yuba River

    Click here for Video Bedrock Crevice Detecting on the Yuba River Let's Find some Gold on Mother Yuba !!! We head back to the Yuba River in search of those elusive Gold Nuggets. We are armed with the Minelab SDC 2300 and the White's Gold Master V-Sat that gives us both a Pulse Induction...
  4. Tim?s 2021 North Yuba River Nugget Hunt

    Tim?s 2021 North Yuba River Nugget Hunt The tribe has gathered for another year at the Third annual Tim's North Yuba River Nugget Hunt . The Weather was warm and the water was refreshing as the Prospectors searched for that elusive Gold. The River was a bit lower this year so it exposed...
  5. The Nugget Hunters

    Join the Nugget Hunters as we search for Gold Nuggets in the California Motherlode. We search for the Nuggets the 49ers didn't get.With Gary ( Two Toe's ), Prospector Jerry ( California Motherlode Prospectors ), Jeff ( Smithsgold ), Bedrock Bennett, and JC ( Minin Hawaiian )as they search for...
  6. The Nugget Hunters !!! Preview

    Join in the search for Gold Nuggets in the California Motherlode with Nugget Hunters Gary ( Two Toe's ), Prospector Jerry ( California Motherlode Prospectors ), Jeff ( Smithsgold ), Bedrock Bennett, and JC ( Minin Hawaiian )as they search for elusive Gold Nuggets. The Nugget Hunters COMING...
  7. In this image, where would you go?

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