north texas

  1. Half a point?

    Got a good rain last night, so today was another creek walk. Not sure if this is half a point or not, but it caught my eye and it does appear to have been something. As always, I could be wrong. Found in North Texas, Dallas County within a bunch of rocks and roots along the side of a creek.
  2. Could these be spoke shaves?

    These were found in different locations, but both were in creeks in North Texas. They have a similar spokeshave-like feature, but I am unsure if this is a common natural formation, or if it is intentionally done. I have found spokeshaves before, but they are thinner than these two. Thanks in...
  3. Newbie

    Hello all my name is Josh and am new to metal detecting. I have 2 sons that are 10 and 12 and we all got new toys for Christmas. Have already found lots of neat things. Enjoying the research as much as the finds!