
  1. 1910 V Nickle

    1910 V Nickle

    Excavated from a NYC landfill on May 5th 2023.
  2. $250 Of Nickels Finds

    I think I got very lucky with; 9 1867-1967 Fish 3 1920-1967 Regular Silver Coin $4.20 USD ($5.30 CAD - $1.1 profit) (I am Canadian) This is my first box I did in my life im kinda a newbie. I think this is very lucky tell me if you usually get more or less. I did this box ($250) in...
  3. 1959 error, and a few other pieces I found today. Help needed identifying!

    Newer at coin hunting. Not completely dumb to it, but found quite a few errors today, was needing to get some information:) it'll be much appreciated! few chips obverse and reverse and possibly a double strike mint? 1978 D penny with the mint covered up and double die possible? Seems the 8 on...
  4. Fantastic Nickle Night (1950-D and MORE)

    Picked up two boxes of nickles on my way home for the weekend and went through them tonight with my fiance. Yes, my fiance is a CRH too :headbang:. Each of us took a box and dug in. She found a 1935, 1921, and a dateless buffalo along with two war nickles. I found a war nickle end role with a...
  5. Questionable Meteorite? (Pictures)

    One day while walking in the woods, I found a rock embedded in the ground. It seems to have what might be regmaglyphs on it as well as a semi-glossy coating which could be the fusion crust (Picture 1). After a few hours of internet research I finally gave up and nearly a year later I decided to...
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