new mexico

  1. The Myth of Padre La Rue

    MILLIONS IN GOLD HIDDEN IN ORGAN MOUNTAINS MANY YEARS AGO BY OLD PRIEST By L. H. DAVIS -Feb . 4, 1917 Long after the conquest of Mexico by Cortez and after his soldiers of fortune had planted the cross on the Aztec temples, which for centuries had been the scenes of barbarious human sacrifices...
  2. After Famous Adams Diggings - 1904

    AFTER FAMOUS ADAMS DIGGINGS. ----- A pretty story is being told in Albuquerque today to the effect that Gov. M. A. Otero and Secretary of Territory J. W. Raynolds have gone south to hunt for the famous lost Adams diggings, which, some prospectors say, are located in the Cuchillio Negras of...
  3. New Mexico

    Just joined from New Mexico. Hoping to find some like minded, friendly folk to explore with. I have some leads including a hand-copied note from a church in Mexico city about the San Augustin pass (Las Cruces) and much more :) AlamoRose aka Kimberly
  4. Madam Barcelo's Lost Bags of Gold -- near Taos, NM

    Hi Folks, Just starting out here. I've been reading about the treasure of Madam Maria Barcelo's 25 buckskin bags of gold, buried somewhere between Ute Park and Cimarron, NM, in April 1839. There seems to be very little information out there about people attempting to find this treasure. Does...
  5. Adams in the Papers

    I'll post some newspaper clippings from a time period a little closer to the events than today. Some very different perspectives. I'll leave to our resident experts to try and separate out or explain the Adam's placer versus the Adam's Lode, the number of men in the original party, landmarks...
  6. Doc Noss Treasure - Any active searches?

    Hi all! I've noticed a lot of recent activity on the blog regarding the Doc Noss treasure in New Mexico. Is there anyone out there actively searching for the treasure? My basic understanding of the story is that most clues are pointing away from Victorio Peak and to the secondary locations Doc...
  7. Rock Carvings on NM Boulder – Help with Interpretation

    I’m looking for help with interpreting the symbols carved into this boulder. The carvings might have been more elaborate and easier to see before they were weathered. There are four prominent and easily visible symbols: 1) A cross within a circle. There may also be the upper torso and head...
  8. Anyone here know much about the Sandia/Monzano mountains in Albuquerque, NM?

    First off, I'd like to say Hi, and thank you very much for taking the time to read this post. I appreciate all the great information in the forums, and it brings my curiosity out like none other. Please feel free to move this thread if it should be in a different place, I am sorry if I have made...
  9. first silver and ring of the year

    I went detecting yesterday at one of my favorite parks and I found this , but it was all bent and crushed in to a ball of sorts so i thought it was trash. When I got home and i was cleaning my finds I realized that it had a 925 stamp on it and a MEX stamp. After finding those stamps I proceeded...
  10. First wheat penny!

    Today I found my first wheat penny and its also the oldest coin I've found to date. I found it across the street from an old park in a strip of land right next to the side walk. The penny is a 1919 plain in very good condition. I also found 31 cents in clad and a token that i can't read.
  11. "Beware" New Mexico Gold Claim on ebay by Allsgolden or Goldseekr77

    "BEWARE" I recently purchased a gold claim on Ebay from Goldseeker77(Raymond Gruene). Two weeks after I purchased the claim, I saw it re listed. I had paid at auctions end. I contacted Goldseeker77 and for some time got no response. Eventually he contacted me and stated it takes time to make the...
  12. Fennboree! For treasure seekers hunting Forrest Fenns hidden treasure chest

    Fennboree! For treasure seekers hunting Forrest Fenn's hidden treasure chest I do not know if anyone here is interested in meeting other people seeking Mr. Fenn's hidden treasure, but there is a meeting planned for May 16th and May 17th, at the Wild Turkey camp site in northern New Mexico...
  13. been detecting the park near my house for a couple of weeks now and heres my finds

    heres the totals of what i found 66 pennies (oldest 1972 .....9 copper 57 zinc) 6 nickles (oldest 1983) 22 dimes (oldest 1976) 10 quarters (oldest 1970) total clad value= $5.66 i just started about 2 months ago so this is also the total of all the clad ive found
  14. old hand made knife!!!

    i found this in an old ghost town from the mid 1800,s in new mexico ... i was walking around in one of the buildings and i put my hands on top of one of them cross beam things that held the roof together and i heard i big clunk as some thing fell to the floor so i looked around for what made the...
  15. cool old ghost town find!!!!

    well i didn't find this today but i did find it a long time ago in an old ghost looks hand made and awesome ....tell me what you think!!!!
  16. my best finds in the four corners area!!!!!

    i cant remember where i found all these but they are some of my best finds so what do you think?
  17. ✅ SOLVED is this some kind of artillery shell?......and if so what kind? help please!!!!!!!!

    i found this a about 11 years ago around white sands missile range and i was wondering what kind it is,what shot it,how old its, and if its dangerous?
  18. my finds from an old mining town/native american ruin!!!!

    this past Sunday i decided to take my metal detector out to an old mining town that ive had my eye on for a while now because it was built right next to an Indian ruin the mine was discover in 1900 but they weren't able to actually start mining until 1919 because the native Americans drove them...
  19. Ruidoso Panning

    does anyone know or has anyone ever panned and sluiced in the ruidoso area? so you need a permit?
  20. hand made knife found

    ]I found this old knife at a ghost town from around the 1800's that is located in new mexico some where around the town of hillsboro. I found it while walking around in side an old cabin like building i was looking around when i reached up an grabbed on to one of the cross beams on the ceiling...
  21. native american (SW) pottery

    Hello All, we are new to this site and hoping to find some info on some pottery we got at an auction today. some have signatures but other just have initials or symbol. if we can get pointed in the right direction on finding info would be appreciated. most look like newer artist but the...
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