new find

  1. button from a old site, data?

    any info on this would be great, a date ect, from a old home site in fl. fl must have been very poor back in the day i seem to never ever find coins ever lots of iron and relics. but no coins! also has anyone ever used ? it dont seem to be spot on with how it paste the map...
  2. Galactic Specimen (10).jpg

    Galactic Specimen (10).jpg

    Unofficial Galactic Specimen unearthed in Miami FL note the unusual metal inside Gem Matrix
  3. Galactic Specimen(1).jpg

    Galactic Specimen(1).jpg

    Unofficial metal Specimen
  4. Galactic Specimen (11).jpg02

    Galactic Specimen (11).jpg02

    Unearthed Specimen gem type not certified with back light images
  5. Breaking News: Hotwheels VW Bug found destroyed - Pictures have been posted!

    It was over 70 degrees noon today so I decided to get out and do more detecting in the side yard of my house. I grabbed the Dr.OTEK MT-XR and off I went. I thought I had cleared the side yard with the Bounty Hunter Discovery and the BH Tracker IV but, the MT-XR proved its worth once again. I...
  6. Help dating this axe...

    Hi I saw the previous post on an old axe and wanted to give it a shot to see if y'all might help me. I'm thinking Jersey style... dug up on a turn of the century homestead (not to give it away). I'd really like to know more.
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