
  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Military Watch Fob?

    I've dug what I believe is a solid brass watch fob. The only info I've found is that the uniforms seem to match the Navy Sailors during the 1898 Spanish-American War. It cleaned up super well. Is it a military service item or just a commemorative piece? Any background about it will be...
  2. Help dating anchor please!

    Hello, We have this old anchor pulled up in a fishing net off the south coast of England. Is there any way of telling how old it is or what type of boat it was used on? Thanks!
  3. ✅ SOLVED Is this navy related?

    Hello everyone! This is my first post on here so I’m sorry if I’m doing anything incorrectly! I was wondering if anyone could help me identify this? I found it in a farm field and didn’t think much of it until about an hour later when I was lucky enough to be able to save a USA Continental army...
  4. Unique American Rev War era naval button. Comparable found!

    I have a one of a kind crudely-made naval button that likely dates to the Revolutionary War Period. Because there were no comparables to establish provenance, the button has remained in the 'oddities' box. Until now. 'My' button came from South Carolina. A comparable has been dug at Savannah...
  5. Some Amazing Zippo Lighters at auction (USS Iowa+ more)

    (Deleted by mod for rule violation)
  6. Navy Hatpin Sterling

    I found this on Thursday and can't find one like it anywhere. Age and manufacture info is what I'm looking for. American Eagle surrounded by 13 stars Clutching an anchor over stacked cannonballs Clearly marked STERLING on back Pin was probably broken off by me it looks solid silver too It's...
  7. military button?

    This is a metal, not brass button with an eagle (head facing upwards), 13 stars and an anchor. One talon is on the shaft and the other is on the end bar. I am confused as to whether it is facing left or right. I am new to this identifying buttons. Also the back mark is a wreath (sort of) of...
  8. Help IDing possible British Royal Navy Sword Guard

    Hello everyone - I recently acquired this sword guard and I confess swords aren’t my forte. Can anyone help me ID the sword this guard was attached to, and maybe a roundabout guess at when/by whom it would’ve been used? Thank you so much. The seller gave me...
  9. Union Navy button in Arkansas

    I was detecting a really old house that's situated between a couple of opposing civil war camps. I found this old Navy button in the front yard, and a buckle cover in the field across the road.
  10. ?1943 Japanese Imperial Navy Aviation Graduation Fob/Badge WWII?

    Happy Thanksgiving from Quantico, Virginia. I am new to this site and only been out with my brother while he detects in the past. My brother has been metal detecting for many, many years, upgraded his detector, and gave me his older White Spectrum. He is visiting for Thanksgiving and we took...
  11. 🏆 HONORABLE MENTION After being lost for 63 years its back with its owner! 1951 Class Ring Returned.

    After being lost for 63 years it's back with it's owner! 1951 Class Ring Returned. Earlier in the month I posted Gold Ring # 17 which I had found just after the heavy wind storms here were ending...
  12. Civil War frock coat

    This is a navy frock coat found in Rhode Island.Wool is a very tight weave and has a linen liner. I was wondering if anyone knew if it was civil war, or post civil war, and any other info on it. Any help would be highly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Help with an early Navy Button

    So here is my best find from yesterdays 1hr hunt. This is button is a little smaller then a dime. The reverse side reads "William Wallis" "No.1 Extra Fine" Cant seem to find much info on this button other then Wallis produced buttons in England (I think) until 1828? Any help would be...
  14. Republic of Texas navy button

    Hello, I would like some information about this button. Mfg. date? Real or fake? Value? Thanks, Paul
  15. 1951 Silver Plated Short Shank Military Buttons Shields Inc

    Good day everyone; I am new to this website and I guess you would consider me a treasure hunter for it is how I make my living. Last week I was doing a garage/barn clean out with the owner when he pulled out a box opened it and said here these are just a bunch of old buttons. My chin about...
  16. Older US Navy emblem indentification

    Found this piece of material with a US Navy emblem on it with a lot of older items. Just was curious as to any specific meaning or significance of it. Thanks
  17. NON DUG U.S.Navy Badge...HELP!

    Hello everybody,I got this badge and was wondering where it was worn,and age...It doe's have 13 star's...Could it be 19th.Century or Early turn of 20th.? Any help/input on subject will be greatly appreceiated...HH ALL !!! approx.2.5in. HIGH 2 3/4in. WIDE..
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