morse code

  1. HELP needed deciphering Picture with Clues to a Treasure

    Thinking the message is in Morse Code, but have no clue. I am new to this stuff and would appreciate any help from more experienced hunters. Thanks for your help I have attached a few close ups of the picture, we have been having really good luck on the facebook page with people finds all...
  2. Silver uMax - "Morse Code" interference

    I posted the message below in the Tech Talk forum. I hope it's OK to post it here, too, because other Silver uMax users are more likely to see it here. Are any of you seeing a problem like this? Also, have any Compadre users run into a problem like this? I'm thinking of buying one as a backup...
  3. Interference on 10.6 kHz with Tesoro Silver uMax

    I recently bought a Tesoro Silver uMax metal detector. I think I'm having a problem with radio interference from a powerful transmitter that uses the same frequency that my MD uses, which is 10.6 kHz, according to Tesoro's specs. Of course, the interference might come from a transmitter on a...
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