mining town

  1. Finding a Coal Mining Town from 1865-1917 and We did!

    Coke ovens, snakes, a possible grave, axeheads, an old lock, horseshoes, clock parts, and a potential gold ring was just a few of the things we found. However, the best part was doing the research and finding the town! Here are the links to 2 days of probably the best detecting I've done this...
  2. my finds from an old mining town/native american ruin!!!!

    this past Sunday i decided to take my metal detector out to an old mining town that ive had my eye on for a while now because it was built right next to an Indian ruin the mine was discover in 1900 but they weren't able to actually start mining until 1919 because the native Americans drove them...
  3. My best finds from historic Atlanta, Idaho.

    These are some of my best finds from Atlanta, ID. We have a cabin in this historic mining mountain town that was founded in 1864. My family and I have found these items while digging a septic tank on our property, on an old garbage site and with a White's metal detector. If you recognize any of...