minelab ctx 3030

  1. 🚨 Minelab Presidents Day Deals Are Here! 🚨

    Treasure hunters, this is your chance to score big on Minelab’s top metal detectors – with exclusive FREE gear and discounts! These deals are available for a limited time only, so don’t miss out! ⏳💰 🔹 Minelab X-Terra Elite – Get a FREE Pro-Find 40 pinpointer with purchase! 🔹 Minelab X-Terra...
  2. 🙋 WANTED ISO battery charger for minelab ctx 3030

    My charger went bad for my minelab ctx 3030 and minelab wants stupid money for a new one. If anyone has a used one they are willing to sell please let me know. Thanks
  3. ❎ SOLD USED Minelab CTX 3030 and accessories

    Hello, I have the following for sale. It is all used, in good condition. I debated with myself whether I want to sell it or not, because I really do like it, but I decided I can't afford to have it right now. • Minelab CTX 3030 detector Mfg Year: 2016 Includes: 11" Coil (came with...
  4. First Gold Ring of 2018

    Had an unexpected day off work so I had no research or location in mind for today's outing. So I decided to hit up a local park and see about finding some coins. Off I go, loaded up the CTX I ended up filling my pouch with an assortment of Aussie pre-decimal coins and modern spendables but the...
  5. A wonderful day with the CTX 3030

    I recently purchased the CTX 3030 and been out a few times now with it and each hunt progressively gets better and better. I started using some of the GPS and findpoint features which I find useful enough but could see more value for big bush hunts on uncharted or open terrains. This...
  6. Please Help ID My Find

    I recently dug this ornate piece from a local park....a park with some age.....though have no idea what it might be. First impression out of the ground was a copper t-joint though during the clean up I noticed all the detail coming through. Also, inside the piping, what appeared to be mud was...
  7. CTX-3030 versus etrac....Is the CTX worth the price difference?

    Comments appreciated. Thanks.
  8. 2,500+ Year Old Copper Spear Point (My find of a lifetime!)

    2500+ year old copper spear point After a few days of research due to being housebound from non-stop down pouring I had a couple days’ worth of hunting planned and mapped out. I started my hunt at 8:00 in the morning in one of my favorite hunt spots. I’ve been searching and recovering from this...

    HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM VANCE METAL DETECTING First off let me start off by saying thank you to all my customers for choosing me as there dealer, and I want everyone to remember to always "CALL ME LAST"!! This is of course for brand NEW machines only! Call me for the best deal, and if you have...
  10. ❎ SOLD Used Minelab FBS 800 Coil

    I have a used Minelab FBS 800 coil and coil cover (scratches on coil cover) for sale $135 shipped CONUS. We take USPS Money Order, Paypal, and credit cards. Wayne Metal Detector Sales and Rentals | Fisher, Garrett, Minelab, Lesche and DetectorPro (832) 928-9135
  11. Civil War Button and a Buckle found

    Civil War Large Button and a Buckle found Hello All, Here are the finds for todays hunt. I thought I had a Civil War Button....however I was incorrect....... I found a GREAT SEAL Button (CORECTION brought to my attention by FURTRADET:icon_thumleft:). The button war SUPER crusty and ALOT of...
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