
  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Possible meteorite

    Found a few months ago in Central Scotland, I'm taking this a specialist rock shop in Glasgow on Saturday and if they can't give me much information on it then I will be going home to cut into it and find out what's inside, any help is appreciated
  2. Need Some Help Identifying A Possible Meteorite (Or a Slag?)

    Hello all, I have found two metal looking objects (one small, one big) on a nature walk with my family. I have followed the steps on how to identify it, but I am still unsure about whether it is a meteorite or not. Here are its properties: 1. It does not seem to have a fusion crust, and its...
  3. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Strange meteorite or precious metal!? HELP!

    So I have had this piece of meteorite or possibly a precious metal. The size is decent, but the weight of It is 3 times it’s size. It’s NON magnetic, it doesn’t corrode, rust. I found it and it was that dark oxidized color then used my air grinder with a 60grit pad and took the top layer off. I...
  4. Is this a Meteorite?

    Could this be a meteorite? Just under 600g and is a little magnetic
  5. Galactic Specimen (10).jpg

    Galactic Specimen (10).jpg

    Unofficial Galactic Specimen unearthed in Miami FL note the unusual metal inside Gem Matrix
  6. Galactic Specimen(1).jpg

    Galactic Specimen(1).jpg

    Unofficial metal Specimen
  7. Galactic Specimen (11).jpg02

    Galactic Specimen (11).jpg02

    Unearthed Specimen gem type not certified with back light images
  8. Galactic Specimen.jpg

    Galactic Specimen.jpg

    Hello community I wanted to start a garden to offset inflation and found this specimen and the others I will post daily hope you find them as interesting as I do.
  9. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED found these suspected "meteorites"

    only have two at my disposal but seems to contain fusion crust Is magnetic 1st smaller specimen weighs 125g the bigger specimen is 870g found in the southern Californian desert
  10. Meteorite?

    This heavy greyish silver stone is not magnetic but sounds like steel when two piece are struck together. Density is something like lead or a heavy metal.
  11. Meteorite Identification ! (Please Help)

    Hello, I remember finding these meteorites about 3-5 years ago and only found them just now ! I both found these through my local park at seperate times and decided they looked strange so I took them to investigate further. It would be much appreciated if someone could please identify if these...
  12. Hunting with an XP Deus

    Anybody here hunt meteorites with an XP Deus? Is so can you give me some tips from your experience? Thank you in advance.
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