metallic rock

  1. Help Identifying Smooth Metalic Silver Mineral/Nugget... (Found in Colorado River)

    I was hiking through a riverbed and pond in Colorado at 8000ft and found this shining at the bottom. I would love some help identifying what it may be. Silver Metallic Color Smooth and Textured Weight: 1.40 grams Does not appear to be Magnetic Thanks for the help! Best Wishes.
  2. Cubed shaped metallic formation inside of hematite...🤔

    Ok I need to know if this is something anyone else has come across and can tell me what it is. I found four very heavy hematite like rocks i guess but I can see different mineralization on two of them. One I think magnatite and the rest I'm not sure. Two look burned and more colorful. But...
  3. What Is This??

    While looking for a good place to prospect for gold (ultra-tiny flakes of flour gold) along the shoreline of Lake Michigan in South Eastern Wisconsin, I came across an area where sand dunes were eroding into the lake. A clay layer was exposed with sand on top, so I started poking around. I came...
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