
  1. New member from to this site and Metal Detecting

    Hello all, I’m new to this world. But have always been interested.. After some research into what equipment beginners, intermediate and advanced users use and recommend. I settled on and purchased the Garrett AT Pro. I didn’t want to get something really cheap and get turned off from the whole...
  2. Jesus, and a 1919 Wheaty!!

  3. Vintage Tins, and a 1950's Wheat Penny

  4. Detecting a Park in Oakland Maine

  5. 1916 Wheaty, and Many Adventures

  6. My Maine Adventures Begins!!

  7. Lead bullet. Sharpes mini? Maine

    Please help to identify this bullet. It’s Lead. It has 4 rings. Pictures to follow
  8. Help! I think I found a Native American Stone Gouge - or at least some artifact

    I live near South Berwick Maine off of the Salmon Falls River. While I was digging in the garden I came across this stone and immediately thought that it was hand carved. Im having a hard time identifying it online, but it looks like a Gouge, but cant be sure. It is VERY smooth on one side, and...
  9. New Member

    Hi All, I've been detecting for about six years with a Coinmaster GT. I literally just got an AT Pro with hopes of doing better at the beach (I know it's not meant for this) but I got it for a best all around detector that will not break my bank. I will be spending TWO weeks in Maine this...
  10. MDM group hunt .. Great day great time

    Maine group hunt 2016 ..
  11. Gold Panning in Small Stream Without Large Rocks

    Hello everyone. For christmas my parents gave me a basic Garrett Gold Panning kit. I've been doing loads of research about gold panning in Maine. There is a small brook behind my house that's mainly made up of silt, sand, and clay. There are no rocks at all, and most of the stream is quite...
  12. December 13th Last hunt with Family

    Hunting with Son and Grandson trying to get them hooked on the hobby.
  13. Treasure Master does it again.

    Went to a new field site today, very beautiful day in Maine. I found my first Ox Knob , that made my day for sure. Here is a short video of my wonderful day detecting a local field..
  14. Building a dredge, welcome comments and suggestions.

    Ok so I am new to the forum and new to gold dredging. I see everyone says to buy there first dredge and I'm not, so save it please.. One of my employees has worked for a dive company and done alot of commercial dredging and built venture jets for there dredges. I live in Maine where we can...
  15. Found Spanish silver 4 Reale? Along the Maine coast

    Found Spanish silver 4 Reale? Along the Maine coast w/pics Hello everyone, been a while since I've logged on but I just had to share this one. I can find no date but I don't think the early ones had a date. Its about 1 3/8" in diameter. I had it cleaned in a jewelers ultrasonic blaster as it...
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