
  1. Help needed for Louisville KY and Tulsa OK armchair hunts

    Hi I am in need of help retrieving a couple of treasures in Louisville and Tulsa that I am unable to get myself. They aren't worth much money but I solved it so it would be nice to get them if possible. I have successfully retrieved in similar hunts in the past but I was unable to succeed for...
  2. goodalls County kitchen

    these guys review some interesting eats.
  3. ✅ SOLVED Who is Frank Lyons? Baseball - Commerated on wooden Louisville Slugger Bat - Pencil

    I think the name on this bat pencil is Frank J Lyons. I have no idea who his is but he is commemorated on a pencil bat. Louisville Slugger Wooden Bat Pencil by Hillerich & Bradsby. Googled, and found this: " Frank Lyons, CU, 1920" but what does CU mean and is this the same guy...
  4. Louisville Arrowheads?

    I live near Louisville and have seen some posts on Tnet and other places from people who claim to have found arrowheads in Louisville. I have only found one just outside of Louisville near a construction site by the river which I credit to me being lucky. Have any of You'll actually found...
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