lost treasures

  1. Lost Treasures of the Orient - 1911

    In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, from time-to-time Sunday newspapers would run stories of buried, lost, and sunken treasure, lost mines in the Great Southwest or down in Old Mexico, and other ripping yarns of misplaced fortunes and the adventures of those who hunted them. In that...
  2. Ghost towns and lost treasures in the Balkans?

    Hey everyone! New member here. I'm taking a trip to the Balkans in a couple months and I'm looking for some remote ghost towns and lost treasures to search for. Was just wondering if anyone knew of any legends in that part of Eastern Europe? I've already noted Rajko's cave and the treasure of...
  3. 313 Legends indexed on a modern map of California...

    New book by Academia Maps, released on Amazon in March, 2015. "Lost Treasures of California - Map & Guide"
  4. Archaeologist Needed in Southern Oregon

    I am looking for a Archaeologist to work with us this summer. To track down an old cave I stumbled into more than 10 years ago. I cannot go into the drawing and items found about 400 feet underground. Lets just say if we can find the cave again it could be the biggest discovery in American...
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