In the summer of 2015 I posted a newspaper article by Henry O. Flipper. He wrote "You and your readers will undoubtedly recall the articles published in the Globe Democrat and other eastern papers, during the summer of 1887, on the discovery of certain 'lost mines' in the Sierra Madre by myself...
Legends of lost gold mines of fabulous richness have been so common in the past that they have ceased to be taken with much interest except for the sake of romance, but there is one such story, that of the Old Tyopa mines of Sonora...
Lost Mines
By G. L. Sheldon [Ely, Nevada]
Lost mines! Who has not felt the lure of the mystic combination of these two- simple words? The gambling spirit is inherent in the human race; and in the search for lost mines and buried treasure the prospector and the average man may find a fascinating...
CHAPTER IX. The Lost Mine of Tayopa.
From Along the Rio Grande; by Tracy Hammond Lewis - “A warless war correspondent” (New York: 1916)
One day late in July was bad, but in that it proved no exception to a great many other days through which El Paso had sweltered. I had spent the morning...