lost mines

  1. Quick Killer's Lost Virgin Silver; Or, The Lost Apache Lode

    Rereading Bob McCoy’s introduction to the Rio Grande Press Classic “beautiful” reprint of A. Hyatt Verrills’ They Found Gold!, I came across his reference to a rich prospect described in Life Among the Apaches by John C. Cremony (1868) that they also brought back into print. I can’t agree with...
  2. Legendary Mines - 1900

    Legendary Mines. -----♦----- The Daily Alaska Dispatch of recent date contains an article about "Legendary Mines." The writer mentions Chris Keyes "Lost El Dorado," which as the story goes is in [the] Bear Paw mountains in the Choteau country, says the Western Mining World. The mine has...
  3. Lost Mines of Arizona and Sonora - 1896

    Lost Mines of Arizona and Sonora. ------- [Dan De Quille in the Mining Industry.] Almost every mining region on the Pacific Coast has its “lost mines” legends. In Nevada, California, Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Idaho — everywhere — we find stories of lost mines. The lost mines, whether of...
  4. Sonora Antiquities by Lieut. Henry O. Flipper - 1889

    Sonora Antiquities. {Lieut. Flipper in Nogales Herald.} While Padre Niza, Coronado[,] Espejos[,] Father Kino and others were exploring Arizona and New Mexico, the Spaniards were pushing across northern Mexico west from Tampico and other points on the Gulf of Mexico. They founded Monclova and...
  5. Legend of Tyopa Mines full of Romance and Adventure - 1922

    LEGEND OF TYOPA MINES FULL OF ROMANCE AND ADVENTURE Legends of lost gold mines of fabulous richness have been so common in the past that they have ceased to be taken with much interest except for the sake of romance, but there is one such story, that of the Old Tyopa mines of Sonora...
  6. Lost Mines - 1917 [Lost Pegleg]

    Lost Mines Every mining camp has its story of romantic discovery. Those of us who have shared the bivouac of the prospector or the warmth of the stove in a frontier hotel have heard of men that won wealth at a stroke. The poor prospector that went out as Bill or Dick is promoted to Mister or...
  7. Lost Mines - 1915

    Lost Mines By G. L. Sheldon [Ely, Nevada] Lost mines! Who has not felt the lure of the mystic combination of these two- simple words? The gambling spirit is inherent in the human race; and in the search for lost mines and buried treasure the prospector and the average man may find a fascinating...
  8. The Lost Gold Mine Tayopa - 1898

    The Lost Gold Mine Tayopa. A Party of Four Hope to Find It in the Chico District. An Old Tunnel Discovered Hunting a Better Trail Between Chuichupa and Guaynopita – Forest Fires Still Raging Around Chuichupa Lighting Up the Mountains at Night and Obscuring the Sun by Day. ----- Special...
  9. The Lost Mine of Tayopa - 1916

    CHAPTER IX. The Lost Mine of Tayopa. From Along the Rio Grande; by Tracy Hammond Lewis - “A warless war correspondent” (New York: 1916) One day late in July was bad, but in that it proved no exception to a great many other days through which El Paso had sweltered. I had spent the morning...
  10. Legends of Lost Mines - The Lost Pegleg - 1892

    Legends of Lost Mines – The Lost Pegleg - 1892 W.P.A. Mural - San Francisco A considerable amount of romance attaches to all stories of lost mines. It could not well be otherwise, as the mines spoken of as “lost” are almost invariably in some wild region full of perils of onekind or...
  11. Legends of Lost Mines - 1892

    While researching some old newspaper accounts of the Lost Adams Diggings I stumbled across these items. No one has ever heard of a feeling of jealousy engendered by a lucky strike, and the sudden transformation of a miner to the position of a bonanza king. All his old friends, and...
  12. The Lost Pegleg - 1901 Account by Charles Michelson

    Lost Gold Mines of the American West By Charles Michelson Charles Michelson was born in Virginia City, Nevada, in 1869. He ran away from his Comstock Lode home thirteen years later, eventually becoming a newspaper reporter for William Randolph Hurst’s San Francisco Examiner. In the...
  13. Pegleg Smith - from The Mystic Mid-Region

    In 1837, a one-legged man named Smith found a mine of wonderful richness in the Colorado Desert. He was piloting a party over the desert from Yuma, when he came to three hills which rose out of the plain. Not being sure of his bearings, he mounted the tallest of the hills to get a view of the...
  14. Pegleg Smith Horse Thief 2.0

    Major Horace Bell was a "rawhide Californian," who wrote a stirring book about his life and times in the early days of the Golden State. Here's what he had to write about Pegleg Smith: Reminiscences of a Ranger; Or, Early Times in Southern California, by Major Horace Bell (Los Angeles: 1881)...
  15. Lost Mines in Mexico - An Important Discovery by H.O. Flipper August 21, 1889

    from the Arizona Weekly Enterprise, September 7, 1889 LOST MINES IN MEXICO. ________________ An Important Discovery. [El Paso Bullion.] NOGALES, Arizona, August 21, 1889 You and your readers will undoubtedly recall the articles published in the Globe Democrat and other eastern papers...
  16. Echos From Lost Mines - J.D. Hill (Overland Monthly & Out West Magazine - 1924)

    Echoes From Lost Mines By Jim Dan Hill Overland Monthly and Out West Magazine - February 1924 A certain famous novelist is being taken seriously in certain financial circles of New York, if the report is true that the primary purpose in the organization of the Canada del Oro Mining and...
  17. 313 Legends indexed on a modern map of California...

    New book by Academia Maps, released on Amazon in March, 2015. "Lost Treasures of California - Map & Guide"
  18. Lost Mines in Arizona - Campfire Tales from 1906

    Lost Mines in Arizona ------- o0o ------- Arizona has no more beautiful legends and traditions than that of lost mines. There are many pretty songs and stories handed down from the early pioneer settlements, but the deepest interest is only fathomed in the songs and stories of lost...
  19. "Pegleg Was A Liar" - The Pegleg Smith Chronicles, Continued

    PEGLEG IS A BLOOMING LIAR. His Mine Proved a Myth by Returned Prospectors. Ex-Sheriff Aguirre and a Party Return from a Fruitless Search. All Peg-leg's Old Landmarks Found and the Place Where the Mine Ought to Be, But No Gold Was to Be Found There. If the historical Pegleg...
  20. The Lost Mine Articles by Victor Shaw (Earth Science Digest)

    Victor Shaw’s Lost Mine Articles – Earth Science Digest I recently acquired a complete set of the nine lost mine articles written by Victor Shaw and published in Earth Science Digest in 1947 and 1948. Shaw was an experienced gold prospector. He explored the ground where these stories are set...
  21. The Adams Diggings "Famous Saddle Tree"

    I found this in a turn of the century (19th to 20th) book about prospecting and mining. The author suggests a troop of “Buffalo” (Negro) solders (I’m assuming they were cavalry – they well may have been infantry) found and then lost the Lost Adams Diggings. Unfortunately, the author uses...
  22. Treasure Hunters Newsletter V1 #1 from the 1970s

    Treasure Hunters Newsletter V1 #1 from the 1970's THNv1#1 Treasure Hunter's Newsletter This is volume one of six from the 1970's, THNv1#1 Treasure Hunter's NewsletterTREASURE HUNTERS VOl. I NO. 1, SPRING 8 StATES ASSOCIATES, INC.P.O. EOX 14381, BOULDER, COLO. KARL VON TREASURE HUNTER. TIPS...
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